ggstance (version 0.3.1)

position_dodgev: Vertical Positions


Vertical versions of position_dodge(), position_jitterdodge(), position_fill(), position_stack(),


position_dodgev(height = NULL, preserve = c("total", "single"))

position_dodge2v(height = NULL, preserve = c("single", "total"), padding = 0.1, reverse = FALSE)

position_jitterdodgev(jitter.height = NULL, jitter.width = 0, dodge.height = 0.75, seed = NA)

position_stackv(hjust = 1, reverse = FALSE)




Dodging height, when different to the height of the individual elements. This is useful when you want to align narrow geoms with taller geoms.


Should dodging preserve the total width of all elements at a position, or the width of a single element?


Padding between elements at the same position. Elements are shrunk by this proportion to allow space between them. Defaults to 0.1.


If TRUE, will reverse the default stacking order. This is useful if you're rotating both the plot and legend.


degree of jitter in y direction. Defaults to 0.


degree of jitter in x direction. Defaults to 40% of the resolution of the data.


the amount to dodge in the y direction. Defaults to 0.75, the default position_dodgev() height.


A random seed to make the jitter reproducible. Useful if you need to apply the same jitter twice, e.g., for a point and a corresponding label. The random seed is reset after jittering. If NA (the default value), the seed is initialised with a random value; this makes sure that two subsequent calls start with a different seed. Use NULL to use the current random seed and also avoid resetting (the behavior of ggplot 2.2.1 and earlier).


Horizontal adjustment for geoms that have a position (like points or lines), not a dimension (like bars or areas). Set to `0` to align with the left side, `0.5` for the middle, and `1` (the default) for the right side.