ghactions (version 0.4.1)

website: Render and deploy a website


This workflow renders some Rmarkdown via its (custom) site generator and deploys the result. Suitable for:


website(IDENTIFIER = "Render and Deploy RMarkdown Website",
  deploy = list(master = ghpages()))



[character(1)] giving the name of the action or workflow block.


  • as an informative label on,

  • in the needs fields of other action blocks to model the workflow graph,

  • in the resolves fields of other workflow blocks to model the workflow graph.


[list(1)] giving the name of the branch to deploy from, and the function to deploy with.


A list as specified in the workflow argument to use_ghactions().


This action requires a Docker image called literally repo:latest in github/workspace. See vignette for details. Use build_image() to create one in a prior action.

This action or workflow requires that you bring-your-own-dockerfile (byod). There has to be a Dockerfile at the root of your repository. It's easy to set one up using use_dockerfile(). To learn more, consider the vignette.


Rmarkdown site generators can write to arbitary directories, and these output directory can be set in a number of places. Happily, rmarkdown::render_site() (invisibly) returns the path to the rendered assets. The website() workflow automatically retrieves this path, and writes it to a special .deploy_dir text file. Downstream deploy actions such as ghpages() default to deploying from the directory specified in such a .deploy_dir. This isn't a terribly elegant way of doing this, but because each action runs it's own container, and only the github/workspace directory persists between them, it is currently the only way to pass the path to the deploy actions.

Users will probably never see the .deploy_dir file, and need not worry about it.

See Also

Other workflows: fix_docs

Other byod: rscript_byod