githug (version

gh_pat: Retrieve GitHub personal access token.


Consults environment variables for a GitHub personal access token (PAT). By default, looks for GITHUB_PAT and GITHUB_TOKEN, in that order. Conventions followed by other packages at the time of writing: git2r and devtools look for GITHUB_PAT, gh looks for GITHUB_TOKEN. Obtain a PAT from Unless you have a specific reason to request otherwise, the default scopes are probably sufficient.


gh_pat(envvar = c("GITHUB_PAT", "GITHUB_TOKEN"))


Name of the environment variable in which the GitHub personal access token is stored. Can be a character vector, with names in order of preference.


The GitHub personal access token, invisibly.


How to store your PAT in an environment variable?

  • Identify your home directory. Not sure? Enter normalizePath("~/") in the R console.

  • If you don't already have a file here named .Renviron, create one. If you have one already, open it for editing.
  • Add a line like this: GITHUB_PAT=blahblahblahblahblahblah, where blahblahblahblahblahblah is your PAT. Make sure the last line in the file is empty. Otherwise R will silently fail to load the file. Save. And yes you do want to use a filename that begins with a dot.
  • Restart R. .Renviron is processed only during Startup.
  • Check your work with Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"). Your PAT should print to screen.
  • Examples

    Run this code
    ## by default, the PAT is not printed to screen
    ## if you really want to see it, surround the call with extra parentheses

    Run the code above in your browser using DataLab