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git_config: Get and set Git configuration variables


git_config and convenience wrappers git_config_global and git_config_local can be used to get or set Git configuration. All rely on git2r::config().


git_config(..., where = c("de_facto", "local", "global"), repo = ".")
git_config_global(..., repo = ".")
git_config_local(..., repo = ".")


The Git configuration variables to get or set. If unspecified, all are returned, i.e. the output should match the result of git config --list.
Specifies which variables. The default, de_facto, applies only to a query and requests the variables in force, i.e. where local repo variables override global user-level variables, when both are defined. local or global narrows the scope to the associated configuration file: for local, .git/config in the targetted repo, and for global, ~/.gitconfig in user's home directory. When setting, if where is unspecified, the local configuration is modified.
Path to a Git repo. If unspecified, current working directory is checked to see if it is or is inside a Git repo.


A named list of Git configuration variables, with class githug_list for pretty-printing purposes.


  • git_config_global: Get or set global Git config, a la git config --global
  • git_config_local: Get or set local Git config, a la git config --local


Variables can be listed by specifying the names as strings or in a unnamed list or vector of strings. Don't specify anything if you want to see them all. Non-existent variables will return value NULL.

Variables can be set by specifying them as arguments in variable = value form or as a named list. To unset a variable, i.e. git config --unset, specify NULL as the value.

When variables are set, the previous values are returned in an invisible named list, analogous to par or setwd. Such a list can be passed back in to git_config_local or git_config_global to restore the previous configuration.

Consult the git-config man page for a long yet non-comprehensive list of variables.

For future GitHub happiness, it is highly recommended that you set to an email address that is associated with your GitHub account:


Getting Started - First-Time Git Setup from the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub

Customizing Git - Git Configuration from the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub

git-config man page


Run this code
## see git config currently in effect, based on working directory
git_config()         # local > global, same as git_config(where = "de_facto")
git_config_local()   #                 same as git_config(where = "local")
git_config_global()  #                 same as git_config(where = "global")

## set and get global config
## Not run: 
# ## set and list global config
# git_config_global( = "thelma", = "")
# git_config_global("", "")
# ## End(Not run)

## specify a Git repo
repo <- git_init(tempfile("githug-config-example-"))
git_config_local(repo = repo)

## switch working directory to the repo
owd <- setwd(repo)

## set local variables for current repo
git_config_local( = "louise", = "")

## get specific local variables, including a non-existent one
git_config_local("", "color.branch", "")

## set local variables, then restore
ocfg <- git_config_local( = "oops", = "")
git_config_local("", "")
git_config_local("", "")

## set a custom variable
ocfg <- git_config_local( = "wut")


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