glarma (version 1.6-0)

Polio: Cases of Poliomyelitis in the U.S.


This data set gives the monthly number of cases of poliomyelitis in the U.S. for the years 1970--1983 as reported by the Center for Disease Control. The polio data frame has 168 rows and 8 columns.





A data frame containing the following columns:

[, 1] Cases monthly number of cases of poliomyelitis.
[, 2] Intcpt a vector of ones, providing the intercept in the model.
[, 3] Trend a linear trend.
[, 4] CosAnnual cosine harmonics at periods of 12.
[, 5] SinAnnual sine harmonics at periods of 12.
[, 6] CosSemiAnnual cosine harmonics at periods of 6.
[, 7] SinSemiAnnual sine harmonics at periods of 6.