gmGeostats (version 0.11.3)

as.AnisotropyScaling: Convert to anisotropy scaling matrix


Convert an anisotropy specification to a scaling matrix



# S3 method for AnisotropyScaling as.AnisotropyScaling(x)

# S3 method for numeric as.AnisotropyScaling(x)

# S3 method for AnisotropyRangeMatrix as.AnisotropyScaling(x)


A matrix \(A\) such that for any lag vector \(h\), the variogram model turns isotropic in terms of \(u'=h'\cdot A\).



an object convertible to an anisotropy scaling matrix; see details

Methods (by class)

  • AnisotropyScaling: identity method

  • numeric: from a vector of numbers

  • AnisotropyRangeMatrix: from an AnisotropicRangeMatrix


Method as.AnisotropyScaling.numeric() expects a vector of two numbers in 2D, or a vector of 5 numbers in 3D. These are in 2D, the azimuth of maximum continuity (in degrees, clockwise from North) and the anisotropy ratio of short/long range. In 3D these are: 1,2) the azimuth and the dip of the direction of maximal continuity; 3) the angle of rotation around the axis of the first direction; 4,5) the anisotropy ratios of the ranges of the second/first and third/first directions of maximal continuity. All angles are given in degrees, all ratios must be smaller or equal to 1. This follows gstat (and hence GSlib) conventions; see gstat::vgm() for details.

See Also

Other anisotropy: AnisotropyRangeMatrix(), AnisotropyScaling(), anis_GSLIBpar2A(), as.AnisotropyRangeMatrix(), is.anisotropySpecification()


Run this code
( l = anis_GSLIBpar2A(angles=30, ratios=0.5))
( ll = unclass(l) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab