googlesheets (version 0.2.1)

gd_user: Retrieve information about the current Google user


Retrieve information about the Google user that has authorized googlesheets to call the Drive and Sheets APIs on their behalf. As long as full = FALSE (the default), only the most useful subset of the information available from the "about" endpoint of the Drive API is returned. This is also the information exposed in the print method:


gd_user(full = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
gs_user(full = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)


Logical, indicating whether to return selected (FALSE, the default) or full (TRUE) user information.
logical; do you want informative messages?


an object of S3 class `drive_user`, which is just a list


  • User's display name
  • User's email
  • Date-time of user info lookup
  • User's permission ID
  • User's root folder ID

When full = TRUE, all information provided by the API is returned.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## these are synonyms: gd = Google Drive, gs = Google Sheets
# gd_user()
# gs_user()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace