grDevices (version 3.3)

grSoftVersion: Report Versions of Graphics Software


Report versions of third-party graphics software.





  • A named character vector containing at least the element
  • cairothe version of cairographics in use, or "" if cairographics is not available.
  • It may also contain the versions of third-party software used by the #ifdef windows standard #endif #ifdef unix X11-based #endif (not cairo-based) bitmap devices:
  • libpngthe version of libpng in use, or "" if not available.
  • jpegthe version of the JPEG headers used for compilation, or "" if JPEG support was not compiled in.
  • libtiffthe version of libtiff in use, or "" if not available.
  • Unless otherwise stated the reported version is that of the (possibly dynamically-linked) library in use at runtime.

    Note that libjpeg-turbo used on some Linux distributions reports its version as "6.2", the IJG version from which it forked.

See Also

extSoftVersion for versions of non-graphics software.


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