graph (version 1.50.0)

toDotR-methods: Methods for Function toDotR, using R to generate a dot serialization


There are two basic methods of generating dot ( language serializations of R graph-class structures. First, using the toDot methods of the Rgraphviz package, the native graphviz agraph-associated methods can be employed to create the dot serialization. Second, with the methods described here, R functions can be used to perform the serialization directly from the graph data structure, without Rgraphviz.



G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "character", renderList = "list", optList = "list"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "character", renderList = "missing", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "character", renderList = "missing", optList = "list"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "missing", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "missing", optList = "list"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "character", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "list", optList = "list"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "graphNEL", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "list", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "compoundGraph", outDotFile = "character", renderList = "list", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "compoundGraph", outDotFile = "character", renderList = "list", optList = "list"
create dot language descriptionof graph
G = "compoundGraph", outDotFile = "missing", renderList = "list", optList = "missing"
create dot language descriptionof graph

See Also



Run this code
tmp <- tempfile()
toDotR( g1, tmp )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab