growthPheno (version 1.0-22)

growthPheno-pkg: growthPheno



Version: NA

Date: NA



For an overview of the use of these functions and an example see below.

(i) Data


A small data set to use in function examples.
RiceRaw.dat Data for an experiment to investigate a rice
germplasm panel.
tomato.dat Longitudinal data for an experiment to investigate
tomato response to mycorrhizal fungi and zinc.
(ii) Data frame manipulation


Adds the factors and covariates for a blocked,
split-plot design. getTimesSubset
Forms a subset of 'responses' in 'data' that
contains their values for the nominated times. importExcel
Imports an Excel imaging file and allows some
renaming of variables. longitudinalPrime
Selects a set variables to be retained in a
data frame of longitudinal data. twoLevelOpcreate
Creates a data.frame formed by applying, for
each response, abinary operation to the values of
two different treatments.
(iii) Plots


Identifies anomalous individuals and produces
longitudinal plots without them and with just them.
plotCorrmatrix Calculates and plots correlation matrices for a
set of responses.
plotDeviationsBoxes Produces boxplots of the deviations of the observed
values from the smoothed values over values of x.
plotImagetimes Plots the time within an interval versus the interval.
For example, the hour of the day carts are imaged
against the days after planting (or some other
number of days after an event).
plotLongitudinal Plots longitudinal data for a set of indiividuals
plotMedianDeviations Calculates and plots the median of the deviations
of the smoothed values from the observed values.
probeSmoothing Compares, for a set of specified values of df and
different smoothing methods, a response and the smooths
of it, possibly along with growth rates calculated
from the smooths.
(iii) Smoothing


Produce the fits from a natural cubic smoothing
spline applied to a response in a 'data.frame',
and growth rates can be computed using derivatives. splitSplines
Adds the fits, and optionally growth rates computed
from derivatives, after fitting natural cubic
smoothing splines to subsets of a response to a
(iv) Growth rate and WUI calculation


Produce the fits from a natural cubic smoothing
spline applied to a response in a 'data.frame',
and growth rates can be computed using derivatives.
GrowthRates Calculates growth rates (AGR, PGR, RGRdiff)
between pairs of values in a vector.
intervalGRaverage Calculates the growth rates for a specified
time interval by taking weighted averages of
growth rates for times within the interval.
intervalGRdiff Calculates the growth rates for a specified
time interval.
splitContGRdiff Adds the growth rates calculated continuously
over time for subsets of a response to a
splitSplines Adds the fits, and optionally growth rates computed
from derivatives, after fitting natural cubic
smoothing splines to subsets of a response to a
WUI Calculates the Water Use Index (WUI).
intervalWUI Calculates water use indices (WUI) over a
specified time interval to a data.frame.
(v) General calculations


Tests if any values in a vector are anomalous
in being outside specified limits. calcLagged
Replaces the values in a vector with the result
of applying an operation to it and a lagged value. calcTimes
Calculates for a set of times, the time intervals
after an origin time and the position of each
within a time interval cumulate
Calculates the cumulative sum, ignoring the
first element if exclude.1st is TRUE. intervalValueCalculate
Calculates a single value that is a function of
an individual's values for a response over a
specified time interval. splitValueCalculate
Calculates a single value that is a function of
an individual's values for a response.
(vi) Principal variates analysis (PV A)


Selects a subset of variables observed within a
specified time interval using PVA.
PVA Selects a subset of variables using PVA.
rcontrib Computes a measure of how correlated each
variable in a set is with the other variable,
conditional on a nominated subset of them.


This package can be used to analyse growth data using splines to smooth the trend of individual plant traces over time and then to extract traits for further analysis. This process is called smoothing and extraction of traits (SET) by Brien et al. (2020), who detail the use of `growthPheno` for carrying out the method.

The package `growthPheno` has tools that aid in choosing the degree of smoothing and the selection of traits. There are also functions for importing and orgainizing the data that are generally applicable, although they do have defaults that make them particularly adapted to data from a high-throughput phenotyping facility based on a Lemna-Tec Scananalyzer 3D system.

Data suitable for use with this package consists of columns of data obtained from a set of units (pots, carts or plots) over time. There should be a unique identifier for each unit, which by default is Snapshot.ID.Tag, and variable giving the Days after Planting for each measurement, by default Time.after.Planting..d.. In some cases, it is expected that there will be a column labelled Snapshot.Time.Stamp, which reflects the imaging time from which a particular data value was obtained. For imaging data, the carts/pots may be arranged in a grid of Lanes \(\times\) Positions.

The vignettes Tomato and Rice illustrate this process, the former being the example presented in Bren et al. (2020). Use `vignette("Tomato", package = "growthPheno") or `vignette("Rice", package = "growthPheno") to access either of the vignettes.


Brien, C., Jewell, N., Garnett, T., Watts-Williams, S. J., & Berger, B. (2020). Smoothing and extraction of traits in the growth analysis of noninvasive phenotypic data. *Plant Methods*, **16**, 36. <>.

See Also
