hasseDiagram (version 0.2.0)

hasse: Draw Hasse diagram


This function draws Hasse diagram -- visualization of transitive reduction of a finite partially ordered set.


hasse(data, labels = c(), parameters = list())



n x n matrix, which represents partial order of n elements in set. Each cell [i, j] has value TRUE iff i-th element precedes j-th element.


Vector containing labels of elements. If missing or NULL then data row names will be used as labels. If rownames(data) are not present, the labels will be generated as ('a' + element index).


List with named elements:

  • arrow -- direction of arrows: "forward", "backward", "both" or "none" (default "forward"),

  • cluster -- whether to cluster elements which have the same parents and children and are connected all to all (see first commented example) (default TRUE),

  • clusterMerge -- merge clustered nodes within single node frame (default FALSE),

  • clusterNonAdjacent -- to allow clustering elements that are not mutually adjacent (default FALSE),

  • edgeColor -- edge color, from colors() (default "black"),

  • newpage -- whether to call grid.newpage() before drawing (default TRUE),

  • nodeColor -- node frame color, from colors() (default "black"),

  • margin -- node margins, a list with 4 numerical items: "tb" for top-bottom margin, "rl" for right-left margin, "otb" and "orl" for outer margin when multiple labels are present,

  • shape -- shape of diagram nodes: "roundrect", "rect" or "none" (default "roundrect"),

  • transitiveReduction -- whether to perform transitive reduction (default TRUE).


Run this code
randomData <- generateRandomData(15, 2, 0.5)

# Clustering example
data <- matrix(data = FALSE, ncol = 4, nrow = 4)
data[1, 2] = data[1, 3] = data[2, 4] = data[3, 4] = TRUE
data[2, 3] = data[3, 2] = TRUE
hasse(data, c(), list(cluster = TRUE))
hasse(data, c(), list(cluster = FALSE))

# Hasse to pdf example
# randomData <- generateRandomData(15, 2, 0.5)
# pdf("path-for-diagram.pdf")
# hasse(randomData, NULL, list(newpage = FALSE))
# dev.off()
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab