healthcareai (version 2.5.1)

pip: Patient Impact Predictor


Identify opportunities to improve patient outcomes by exploring changes in predicted outcomes over changes to input variables. Note that causality cannot be established by this function. Omitted variable bias and other statistical phenomena may mean that the impacts predicted here are not realizable. Clinical guidance is essential in choosing new_values and acting on impact predictions. Extensive options are provided to control what impact predictions are surfaced, including variable_direction and prohibited_transitions.


  n = 3,
  allow_same = FALSE,
  repeated_factors = FALSE,
  smaller_better = TRUE,
  variable_direction = NULL,
  prohibited_transitions = NULL,


A tibble with any id columns and "variable": the name of the variable being altered, "original_value": the patient's observed value of "variable", "modified_value": the altered value of "variable", "original_prediction": the patient's original prediction, "modified_prediction": the patient's prediction given the that "variable" changes to "modified_value", "improvement": the difference between the original and modified prediction with positive values reflecting improvement based on the value of smaller_better, and "impact_rank": the rank of the modification for that patient.



A model_list object, as from machine_learn or tune_models


A data frame on which model can make predictions


A list of alternative values for variables of interest. The names of the list must be variables in d and the entries are the alternative values to try.


Integer, default = 3. The maximum number of alternatives to return for each patient. Note that the actual number returned may be less than n, for example if length(new_values) < n or if allow_same is FALSE.


Logical, default = FALSE. If TRUE, pip may return rows with modified_value = original_value and improvement = 0. This happens when there are fewer than n modifications for a patient that result in improvement. If allow_same is TRUE and length(new_values) >= n you are likely to get n results for each patient; however, contraints from variable_direction or prohibited_transitions could make recommendations for some variables impossible, resulting in fewer than n recommendations.


Logical, default = FALSE. Do you want multiple modifications of the same variable for the same patient?


Logical, default = TRUE. Are lesser values of the outcome variable in model preferable?


Named numeric vector or list with entries of -1 or 1. This specifies the direction numeric variables are permitted to move to produce improvements. Names of the vector are names of variables in d; entries are 1 to indicate only increases can yield improvements or -1 to indicate only decreases can yield improvements. Numeric variables not appearing in this list may increase or decrease to surface improvements.


A list of data frames that contain variable modifications that won't be considered by pip. Names of the list are names of variables in d, and data frames have two columns, "from" and "to", indicating the original value and modified value, respectively, of the prohibited transition. If column names are not "from" and "to", the first column will be assumed to be the "from" column. This is intended for categorical variables, but could be used for integers as well.


Optional. A unquoted variable name in d representing an identifier column; it will be included in the returned data frame. If not provided, an ID column from model's data prep will be used if available.


Run this code
# First, we need a model to make recommendations
m <- machine_learn(pima_diabetes, patient_id, outcome = diabetes,
                   tune = FALSE, models = "xgb")
# Let's look at changes in predicted outcomes for three patients changing their
# weight class, blood glucose, and blood pressure
modifications <- list(weight_class = c("underweight", "normal", "overweight"),
                      plasma_glucose = c(75, 100),
                      diastolic_bp = 70)
pip(model = m, d = pima_diabetes[1:3, ], new_values = modifications)

# In the above example, only the first patient has a positive predicted impact
# from changing their diastolic_bp, so for the other patients fewer than the
# default n=3 predictions are provided. We can get n=3 predictions for each
# patient by specifying allow_same, which will recommend the other two patients
# maintain their current diastolic_bp.
pip(model = m, d = pima_diabetes[1:3, ], new_values = modifications, allow_same = TRUE)

# Sometimes clinical knowledge trumps machine learning. In particular, machine
# learning models don't establish causality, they only leverage correlation.
# Patient impact predictor suggests causality, so clinicians should always be
# consulted to ensure that the causal impacts are medically sound.
# If there is clinical knowledge to suggest what impact a variable should have,
# that knowledge can be provided to pip. The way it is provided depends on
# whether the variable is categorical (prohibited_transitions) or numeric
# (variable_direction).

### Constraining categorical variables ###
# Suppose a clinician says that recommending a patient change their weight class
# to underweight from any value except normal is a bad idea. We can disallow
# those suggestions using prohibited_transitions. Note the change in patient
# 1's second recommendation goes from underweight to normal.
prohibit <- data.frame(from = setdiff(unique(pima_diabetes$weight_class), "normal"),
                       to = "underweight")
pip(model = m, d = pima_diabetes[1:3, ], new_values = modifications,
    prohibited_transitions = list(weight_class = prohibit))

### Constraining numeric variables ###
# Suppose a clinician says that increasing diastolic_bp should never be
# recommended to improve diabetes outcomes, and likewise for reducing
# plasma_glucose (which is clinically silly, but provides an illustration). The
# following code ensures that diastolic_bp is only recommended to decrease and
# plasma_glucose is only recommended to increase. Note that the plasma_glucose
# recommendations disappear, because no patient would see their outcomes
# improve by increasing their plasma_glucose.
directional_changes <- c(diastolic_bp = -1, plasma_glucose = 1)
pip(model = m, d = pima_diabetes[1:3, ], new_values = modifications,
    variable_direction = directional_changes)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab