healthcareai (version 2.5.1)

prep_data: Prepare data for machine learning


prep_data will prepare your data for machine learning. Some steps enhance predictive power, some make sure that the data format is compatible with a wide array of machine learning algorithms, and others provide protection against common problems in model deployment. The following steps are available; those followed by * are applied by default. Many have customization options.

  1. Convert columns with only 0/1 to factor*

  2. Remove columns with near-zero variance*

  3. Convert date columns to useful features*

  4. Fill in missing values via imputation*

  5. Collapse rare categories into "other"*

  6. Center numeric columns

  7. Standardize numeric columns

  8. Create dummy variables from categorical variables*

  9. Add protective levels to factors for rare and missing data*

  10. Convert columns to principle components using PCA

While preparing your data, a recipe will be generated for identical transformation of future data and stored in the `recipe` attribute of the output data frame.If a recipe object is passed to `prep_data` via the `recipe` argument, thatrecipe will be applied to the data. This allows you to transform data inmodel training and apply exactly the same transformations in model testing and deployment. The new data must be identical in structure to the data that the recipe was prepared with.


  recipe = NULL,
  remove_near_zero_variance = TRUE,
  convert_dates = TRUE,
  impute = TRUE,
  collapse_rare_factors = TRUE,
  center = FALSE,
  scale = FALSE,
  make_dummies = TRUE,
  add_levels = TRUE,
  logical_to_numeric = TRUE,
  factor_outcome = TRUE,
  no_prep = FALSE


Prepared data frame with reusable recipe object for future data preparation in attribute "recipe". Attribute recipe contains the names of ignored columns (those passed to ...) in attribute "ignored_columns".



A data frame


Optional. Columns to be ignored in preparation and model training, e.g. ID columns. Unquoted; any number of columns can be included here.


Optional. Unquoted column name that indicates the target variable. If provided, argument must be named. If this target is 0/1, it will be coerced to Y/N if factor_outcome is TRUE; other manipulation steps will not be applied to the outcome.


Optional. Recipe for how to prep d. In model deployment, pass the output from this function in training to this argument in deployment to prepare the deployment data identically to how the training data was prepared. If training data is big, pull the recipe from the "recipe" attribute of the prepped training data frame and pass that to this argument. If present, all following arguments will be ignored.


Logical or numeric. If TRUE (default), columns with near-zero variance will be removed. These columns are either a single value, or the most common value is much more frequent than the second most common value. Example: In a column with 120 "Male" and 2 "Female", the frequency ratio is 0.0167. It would be excluded by default or if `remove_near_zero_variance` > 0.0166. Larger values will remove more columns and this value must lie between 0 and 1.


Logical or character. If TRUE (default), date and time columns are transformed to circular representation for hour, day, month, and year for machine learning optimization. If FALSE, date and time columns are removed. If character, use "continuous" (same as TRUE), "categories", or "none" (same as FALSE). "categories" makes hour, day, month, and year readable for interpretation. If make_dummies is TRUE, each unique value in these features will become a new dummy variable. This will create wide data, which is more challenging for some machine learning models. All features with the DTS suffix will be treated as a date.


Logical or list. If TRUE (default), columns will be imputed using mean (numeric), and new category (nominal). If FALSE, data will not be imputed. If this is a list, it must be named, with possible entries for `numeric_method`, `nominal_method`, `numeric_params`, `nominal_params`, which are passed to hcai_impute.


Logical or numeric. If TRUE (default), factor levels representing less than 3 percent of observations will be collapsed into a new category, `other`. If numeric, must be in 0, 1, and is the proportion of observations below which levels will be grouped into other. See `recipes::step_other`.


Integer or Logical. PCA reduces training time, particularly for wide datasets, though it renders models less interpretable." If integer, represents the number of principal components to convert the numeric data into. If TRUE, will convert numeric data into 5 principal components. PCA requires that data is centered and scaled and will set those params to TRUE. Default is FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, numeric columns will be centered to have a mean of 0. Default is FALSE, unless PCA is performed, in which case it is TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, numeric columns will be scaled to have a standard deviation of 1. Default is FALSE, unless PCA is performed, in which case it is TRUE.


Logical or list. If TRUE (default), dummy columns will be created for categorical variables. When dummy columns are created, columns are not created for reference levels. By default, the levels are reassigned so the mode value is the reference level. If a named list is provided, those values will replace the reference levels. See the example for details.


Logical. If TRUE (default), "other" and "missing" will be added to all nominal columns. This is protective in deployment: new levels found in deployment will become "other" and missingness in deployment can become "missing" if the nominal imputation method is "new_category". If FALSE, these "other" will be added to all nominal variables if collapse_rare_factors is used, and "missingness" may be added depending on details of imputation.


Logical. If TRUE (default), logical variables will be converted to 0/1 integer variables.


Logical. If TRUE (default) and if all entries in outcome are 0 or 1 they will be converted to factor with levels N and Y for classification. Note that which level is the positive class is set in training functions rather than here.


Logical. If TRUE, overrides all other arguments to FALSE so that d is returned unmodified, except that character variables may be coverted to factors and a tibble will be returned even if the input was a non-tibble data frame.

See Also

To let data preparation happen automatically under the hood, see machine_learn

To take finer control of imputation, see impute, and for finer control of data prep in general check out the recipes package:

To train models on prepared data, see tune_models and flash_models


Run this code
d_train <- pima_diabetes[1:700, ]
d_test <- pima_diabetes[701:768, ]

# Prep data. Ignore patient_id (identifier) and treat diabetes as outcome
d_train_prepped <- prep_data(d = d_train, patient_id, outcome = diabetes)

# Prep test data by reapplying the same transformations as to training data
d_test_prepped <- prep_data(d_test, recipe = d_train_prepped)

# View the transformations applied and the prepped data

# Customize preparations:
prep_data(d = d_train, patient_id, outcome = diabetes,
          impute = list(numeric_method = "bagimpute",
                        nominal_method = "bagimpute"),
          collapse_rare_factors = FALSE, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          make_dummies = FALSE, remove_near_zero_variance = .02)

# Picking reference levels:
# Dummy variables are not created for reference levels. Mode levels are
# chosen as reference levels by default. The list given to `make_dummies`
# sets the reference level for `weight_class` to "normal". All other values
# in `weight_class` will create a new dummy column that is relative to normal.
prep_data(d = d_train, patient_id, outcome = diabetes,
          make_dummies = list(weight_class = "normal"))

# `prep_data` also handles date and time features by default:
d <-
  pima_diabetes %>%
    admitted_DTS = seq(as.POSIXct("2005-1-1 0:00"),
                       length.out = nrow(pima_diabetes), by = "hour")
d_train = d[1:700, ]
prep_data(d = d_train)

# Customize how date and time features are handled:
# When `convert_dates` is set to "categories", the prepped data will be more
# readable, but will be wider.
prep_data(d = d_train, convert_dates = "categories")

# PCA to reduce training time:
# \donttest{
start_time <- Sys.time()
pd <- prep_data(pima_diabetes, patient_id, outcome = diabetes, PCA = FALSE)
m <- tune_models(pd, outcome = diabetes, tune_depth = 3)
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time

start_time <- Sys.time()
pcapd <- prep_data(pima_diabetes, patient_id, outcome = diabetes, PCA = TRUE)
m <- tune_models(pcapd, outcome = diabetes, tune_depth = 3)
Sys.time() - start_time
# }

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