hhh4contacts (version 0.13.3)

stratum: Extract Strata


Methods to extract strata information from an object. Here we only define a method for class "sts".


stratum(x, ...)

# S4 method for sts stratum(x, which = NULL, ...)


a character vector of strata names of length ncol(x).



an object of class "sts".


further arguments passed to methods.


an integer (strata dimension) or NULL (to get the plain colnames, the default).

Methods (by class)

  • stratum(sts): Extract the names of the units, i.e., the colnames, from a multivariate "sts" object. If the units result from the interaction of multiple strata separated by dots, e.g., "region.group", the function can also extract the names corresponding to a specific strata dimension, e.g., which = 2 to get the group names.


Run this code
noroBEall <- noroBE(by = "all", flatten = TRUE)
stratum(noroBEall)  # just colnames(noroBEall)
stratum(noroBEall, which = 2)  # the age groups

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