hmm.discnp (version 0.2-0)

viterbi: Most probable state sequence.


Calculates ``the'' most probable state sequence underlying each of one or more replicate observation sequences.


viterbi(y, object = NULL, tpm, Rho, ispd=NULL)


The observations for which the underlying most probable hidden states are required. May be a sequence of observations, or a list each entry of which constitutes an independent sequence of observations. If y is missing (and if ob
An object describing a hidden Markov model, as fitted to the data set y by hmm().
The transition probability matrix for a hidden Markov model; ignored if object is non-null.
A matrix specifying the probability distributions of the observations for a hidden Markov model; ignored if object is non-null. Should bear some reasonable relationship to y. If Rho has row names then these mu
The initial state probability distribution for a hidden Markov model; ignored if object is non-null. Should bear some reasonable relationship to y. If object and ispd are both NULL the


  • If y consists of a single observation sequence, the value is the underlying most probable observation sequence, or a matrix whose columns consist of such sequences if there is more than one (equally) most probable sequence.

    If y consists of a list of observation sequences, the value is a list each entry of which is of the form described above.


There may be more than one equally most probable state sequence underlying a given observation sequence. This phenomenon appears to be unlikely to occur in practice.


Applies the Viterbi algorithm to calculate ``the'' most probable robable state sequence underlying each observation sequences.


Rabiner, L. R., "A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition," Proc. IEEE vol. 77, pp. 257 -- 286, 1989.

See Also

hmm(), sim.hmm(), mps(), pr()


Run this code
# See the help for sim.hmm() for how to generate y.num and y.let.
fit.num <- hmm(y.num,K=2,verb=TRUE)
v.1 <- viterbi(object=fit.num)
v.2 <- viterbi(y.num,tpm=P,Rho=R) # P and R as in the
                                  # help for sim.hmm().
# The order of the states has gotten swapped; 3-v.1[[1]] is much
# more similar to v.2[[1]] than is v.1[[1]].

fit.let <- hmm(y.let,K=2,verb=TRUE)
v.3 <- viterbi(object=fit.let)    # Works.
v.4 <- viterbi(y.let,tpm=P,Rho=R) # Throws an error (R has no row names.)

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