huxtable (version 4.6.0)

huxtable-options: Package options


  • options('huxtable.add_colnames') sets the default value for add_colnames in huxtable() and as_huxtable(). If it is unset, add_colnames defaults to FALSE; in a future release, the default will become TRUE.

  • options('huxtable.print') sets the print method for huxtable objects. See print.huxtable().

  • options('huxtable.knitr_output_format') overrides the default output format when huxtable objects are printed by knitr. Set to "html", "latex", "md" or "screen". If NULL (the default), huxtable guesses the format using guess_knitr_output_format().

  • options('huxtable.color_screen'). If TRUE and package crayon is available, huxtables will be printed in color on screen.

  • options('huxtable.bookdown'). Set to TRUE within a bookdown document to automatically print bookdown-style labels. If unset, huxtable will try to guess if we are in a bookdown document.

  • options('huxtable.knit_print_df'). If TRUE (the default), data frames in knitr will be pretty-printed using huxtable.

  • options('huxtable.knit_print_df_theme'). A function applied to data frames before printing in knitr. The function should take one argument (a data frame) and return a huxtable. Defaults to theme_plain().

  • options('huxtable.autoformat') sets the default value for autoformat in huxtable() and as_huxtable(). It defaults to TRUE.

  • options('huxtable.latex_use_fontspec'). If TRUE, use the "fontspec" package, which allows you to use the same font names in TeX and HTML. This requires the the xetex or xelatex engine, which can be set using an .rmd header option. Note that quick_pdf() may use pdflatex. It defaults to FALSE.

  • options('huxtable.autoformat_number_format') and options('huxtable.autoformat_align') are lists. The list names are base R classes. huxtable() with autoformat = TRUE will set number_format() and align() for data columns according to the corresponding list values. For example, to center-align Date objects you could set "huxtable.autoformat_align" to something like list(..., Date = "center", ...).
