hydroPSO (version 0.5-1)

hydroPSO2pest: Export hydroPSO input files to PEST


This function exports the content of the hydroPSO input files ‘ParamRanges.txt’ and ‘ParamFiles.txt’ to PEST, into a single ‘.pst’ files with corresponding ‘.tpl’ and ‘.ins’ files


hydroPSO2pest(param.files="ParamFiles.txt", param.ranges="ParamRanges.txt",
              observations.fname="Observations.txt", exe.fname, 
              drty.model=getwd(), pst.fname="hydroPSO2PEST.pst", verbose=TRUE)



character, name (full path) of the hydroPSO input file storing the location and names of the model files that have to be modified for each parameter subject to calibration. By default this file is called ‘ParamFiles.txt’ and -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched for within the ‘PSO.in’ subdirectory of drty.model


character, name (full path) of the hydroPSO input file defining the minimum and maximum boundary values for each one of the parameters to be calibrated By default this file is called ‘ParamRanges.txt’ and -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched for within the ‘PSO.in’ subdirectory of drty.model


character name (full path) of the hydroPSO output file storing the observed values used during the optimisation. By default this file is called ‘Observations.txt’ and -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched for within the ‘PSO.out’ subdirectory of drty.model


character, model command line arguments to be entered through a prompted string to execute the user-defined model


character, path to the executable file of the model specified in exe.fname. ALL the files required to run the model have to be located within this directory (however, input files may be located elsewhere)


character, with the name of the output ‘.pst’ file


logical, indicates if progress messages are to be printed. By default verbose=TRUE

See Also

pest2hydroPSO, hydroPSO