icd (version 4.0.6)

icd9cm_billable: Deprecated name for the list of annual ICD-9-CM billable/leaf descriptions


This now just contains the final version (2014, version number 32). This is actually the same from 2011 to 2014. Use get_xxx functions such as get_icd9cm2014 instead.



list of data frames with columns code, short_desc, and long_desc, containing just the leaf (in USA, ‘billable’) codes, and their descriptions.

See Also

For 2005 -- 2014, the following functions provide ICD-9-CM data: get_icd9cm2009 and get_icd9cm2013_leaf. The former includes three-digit ‘major’ down to the leaf/billable level, and any intermediate descriptors, e.g. if a four-digit code is not billable, and encompasses some five-digit codes, then the four digit code would appear in get_icd9cm2014 but not get_icd9cm2014_leaf.