igraph (version 0.5.1)

write.pajek.bgraph: Write graphs and their cohesive block hierarchy as Pajek files


Creates a series of Pajek-compatible files from a bgraph object as output by cohesive.blocks.


write.pajek.bgraph(graph, filename, hierarchy = FALSE)


A bgraph object as output by cohesive.blocks.
The filename without file extension to use.
Logical. Should a separate .clu file be created for each block in the graph? (see details)


This function writes at least two files to disk. First, the file filename.net contains the basic graph structure---vertices and edges. The second is the file filename.clu, which clusters the vertices according to vertex connectivity of their maxmally cohesive subgraph. This uses the same logic as the default vertex coloring in plot.bgraph.

If hierarchy is TRUE, more detailed and complete information is written to a further series of files. For each block a seperate .clu file is written, each named like filename_block2(1).clu, where the first number refers to the block number and the number in parenthesis refers to that block's cohesion. Finally, if hierarchy is TRUE, a tree representing the block hierarchy is written to filename_blocktree.net, allowing the subset-structure of the individual block structures to be determined.


Pajek website: http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/pajek/

See Also

cohesive.blocks, plot.bgraph, write.graph