imguR (version 1.0.3)

imgur_login: Login to Imgur


Complete an interactive login to Imgur to generate an OAuth2.0 token


imgur_login(client_id = "1babd0decbb90f2", secret = "06eed15f8e3662c20d7ff95a62853266400aae5a", cache = TRUE)


A graphics device function. Default is png.
Name of the file to be uploaded to
A logical indicating whether to cache the OAuth2.0 token for use later on. If TRUE, OAuth2.0 token is automatically cached in a file called “.httr-oauth” in the working directory.




Most operations in the package can be performed anonymously using the default package API key. In order to perform most account-specific operations it is necessary to use OAuth authentication, which can only be performed interactively via a web browser. imgur_login returns an OAuth2.0 reference class object that can be passed as the token argument to all other functions in the package.

The OAuth token is moderately long lived; the response object contains a timestamp indicating its expiration time. The token can be subsequently refreshed using the refresh() method.

If cache = TRUE, the OAuth2.0 token is automatically cached in a file called “.httr-oauth” in the working directory. This token will then be loaded automatically the next time imgur_login is called (even in a new R session). To override an existing cache, set cache = FALSE.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # login interactively
# tkn <- imgur_login()
# # use token in the `imgur` device
# i <- imgur('png', token = tkn)
# hist(rnorm(20))
# imgur_off(i)
# # reload previous token
# rm(tkn)
# # OAuth token is automatically stored by 
# # `imgur_login` if `cache = TRUE` (the default)
# # It is reloaded by calling `imgur_login`
# tkn <- imgur_login()
# token$refresh() # refresh token
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab