#Example 1: Perform imputation with KalmanSmoother and state space representation of arima model
#Example 2: Perform imputation with KalmanRun and state space representation of arima model
na.kalman(tsAirgap, smooth = FALSE)
#Example 3: Perform imputation with KalmanSmooth and StructTS model
na.kalman(tsAirgap, model ="StructTS", smooth = TRUE)
#Example 4: Perform imputation with KalmanSmooth and StructTS model with additional parameters
na.kalman(tsAirgap, model ="StructTS", smooth = TRUE, type ="trend")
#Example 5: Perform imputation with KalmanSmooth and user created model
usermodel <- arima(tsAirgap,order = c(1,0,1))$model
na.kalman(tsAirgap,model = usermodel)
#Example 6: Same as example 1, just written with pipe operator
tsAirgap %>% na.kalman
# }
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