inline (version 0.3.15)

utilities: printing, reading and writing CFunc objects


writeDynLib saves the DLL and the CFunc or CFuncList object as generated by cfunction; readDynLib loads it.

The print and code methods respectively print the entire object or the code parts.


writeDynLib(x, file)



A CFunc or CFuncList object as created by cfunction to be saved.


base name of the file to write the object to or to read from. Two files will be saved, one for the shared object or DLL (extension so or DLL) and one that holds the CFunc or CFuncList specification, without the function address (extension CFunc).


Function readDynLib returns a CFunc or CFuncList object.


  • Method print(x, ...) prints the entire object x

signature(x = "CFunc")

Prints the CFunc object generated by cfunction, including the code that generated it.

signature(x = "CFuncList")

Print all CFunc objects generated by cfunction, including the code that generated them.

  • Method code(x, linenumbers = TRUE, ...) prints the code only

  • signature(x)

    The CFunc or CFuncList object as generated by cfunction.


    If TRUE all code lines will be numbered.


    Both the CFunc or CFuncList object and the shared object or DLL are saved, in two files; the first has extension CFunc; the second so or DLL, depending on the operating system used.

    When reading, both files are loaded, and the compiled function address added to the object.

    See Also



    Run this code
    # NOT RUN {
    x <- as.numeric(1:10)
    n <- as.integer(10)
    code <- "
          integer i
          do 1 i=1, n(1)
        1 x(i) = x(i)**3
    cubefn <- cfunction(signature(n="integer", x="numeric"), code, convention=".Fortran")
    cubefn(n, x)$x
    # }
    # NOT RUN {
     fname <- tempfile()
     writeDynLib(cubefn, file = fname)
     # load and assign different name to object
     cfn <- readDynLib(fname)
     cfn(2, 1:2)
    # }
    # NOT RUN {
    # }

    Run the code above in your browser using DataLab