ipumsr (version 0.6.3)

read_terra_raster: Read data from an IPUMS Terra raster extract



Read a single raster datasets downloaded from the IPUMS Terra extract system using read_terra_raster, or read multiple into a list using read_terra_raster_list.

Support for IPUMS Terra has been discontinued. These functions will be removed in a future release. For general handling of raster data in R, see the terra package.

Note: Reading IPUMS Terra raster extracts requires installation of the raster package, which is no longer installed automatically when you install ipumsr.


read_terra_raster(data_file, data_layer = NULL, verbose = TRUE)

read_terra_raster_list(data_file, data_layer = NULL, verbose = TRUE)


For read_terra_raster A raster object, for read_terra_raster_list A list of raster objects.



Filepath to the data (either the .zip file directly downloaded from the website, or the path to the unzipped .tiff file(s)).


For .zip extracts with multiple raster datasets, the name of the data to load. Accepts a character vector specifying the file name, or a tidyselect selection.


Logical, indicating whether to print progress information to console.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
data <- read_terra_raster("2552_bundle.zip", "LCDECIDOPZM2013.tiff")
data <- read_terra_raster_list("2552_bundle.zip", "ZM")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab