isotree (version 0.1.28)

load.isotree.model: Load an Isolation Forest model exported from Python


Loads a serialized Isolation Forest model as produced and exported by the Python version of this package. Note that the metadata must be something importable in R - e.g. column names must be valid for R (numbers are not valid names for R). It's recommended to visually inspect the `.metadata` file in any case.

This function is not meant to be used for passing models to and from R - in such case, you can use `saveRDS` and `readRDS` instead.





Path to the saved isolation forest model along with its metadata file, and imputer file if produced. Must be a file path, not a file connection.


An isolation forest model, as if it had been constructed through isolation.forest.


Internally, this function uses `readr::read_file_raw` (from the `readr` package) and `jsonlite::fromJSON` (from the `jsonlite` package). Be sure to have those installed and that the files are readable through them.

Note: If the model was fit to a ``DataFrame`` using Pandas' own Boolean types, take a look at the metadata to check if these columns will be taken as booleans (R logicals) or as categoricals with string values `"True"` or `"False"`.

See Also

export.isotree.model unpack.isolation.forest