jagsUI (version 1.5.0)

pp.check: Posterior Predictive Checks for Bayesian Analyses fit in JAGS


A simple interface for generating a posterior predictive check plot for a JAGS analysis fit using jagsUI, based on the posterior distributions of discrepency metrics specified by the user and calculated and returned by JAGS (for example, sums of residuals). The user supplies the name of the discrepancy metric calculated for the real data in the argument actual, and the corresponding discrepancy for data simulated by the model in argument new. The posterior distributions of the two parameters will be plotted in X-Y space and a Bayesian p-value calculated.


pp.check(x, actual, new)



A jagsUI object generated using the jags function


The name of the parameter (as a string, in the JAGS model) representing the fit of the actual dataset (e.g. residuals)


The name of the corresponding parameter (as a string, in the JAGS model) representing the fit of the new 'ideal' dataset


Run this code
#Analyze Longley economic data in JAGS
#Number employed as a function of GNP
#See ?jags for a more detailed example

#Get data
gnp <- longley$GNP
employed <- longley$Employed
n <- length(employed)
data <- list(gnp=gnp,employed=employed,n=n)

#Read in BUGS model file
#Note calculation of discrepancy stats fit and fit.new
#(sums of residuals)

  for (i in 1:n){ 

    employed[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau)     
    mu[i] <- alpha + beta*gnp[i]
    res[i] <- employed[i] - mu[i]   
    emp.new[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau)
    res.new[i] <- emp.new[i] - mu[i]

  alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.00001)
  beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.00001)
  sigma ~ dunif(0,1000)
  tau <- pow(sigma,-2)
  #Derived parameters
  fit <- sum(res[])
  fit.new <- sum(res.new[])

", con="model.txt")

#Identify filepath of model file;
#in this case in the working directory
modfile <- 'model.txt'
#Set parameters to monitor
params <- c('alpha','beta','sigma','fit','fit.new')

#Run analysis

out <- jags(data = data,
            inits = NULL,
            parameters.to.save = params,
            model.file = modfile,
            n.chains = 3,
            n.adapt = 100,
            n.iter = 1000,
            n.burnin = 500,
            n.thin = 2)

#Examine output summary


#Posterior predictive check plot

pp.check(out, actual = 'fit', new = 'fit.new')

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace