knitr (version 1.0.5)

knit_child: Knit a child document


This function knits a child document and returns a character string to input the result into the main document. It is designed to be used in the chunk option child and serves as the alternative to the SweaveInput command in Sweave.


knit_child(..., eval = TRUE)


arguments passed to knit
logical: whether to evaluate the child document


  • A character string of the form child-doc.tex or source("child-doc.R"), depending on the argument tangle passed in. When concordance is turned on or the output format is not LaTeX, the content of the compiled child document is returned as a character string so it can be written back to the main document directly.


For LaTeX output, the command used to input the child document (usually input or include) is from the package option child.command (opts_knit$get('child.command')). For other types of output, the content of the compiled child document is returned.

When we call purl() to extract R code, the code in the child document is extracted and saved into an R script.

The path of the child document is relative to the parent document.



Run this code
## you can write \\Sexpr{knit_child('child-doc.Rnw')} in an Rnw file
## 'main.Rnw' to input child-doc.tex in main.tex

## comment out the child doc by \\Sexpr{knit_child('child-doc.Rnw', eval =
## FALSE)}

## use \\include: opts_knit$set(child.command = 'include')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab