later (version 0.7.1)

run_now: Execute scheduled operations


Normally, operations scheduled with later() will not execute unless/until no other R code is on the stack (i.e. at the top-level). If you need to run blocking R code for a long time and want to allow scheduled operations to run at well-defined points of your own operation, you can call run_now() at those points and any operations that are due to run will do so.


run_now(timeoutSecs = 0L)



Wait (block) for up to this number of seconds waiting for an operation to be ready to run. If 0, then return immediately if there are no operations that are ready to run. If Inf or negative, then wait as long as it takes (if none are scheduled, then this will block forever).


A logical indicating whether any callbacks were actually run.


If one of the callbacks throws an error, the error will not be caught, and subsequent callbacks will not be executed (until run_now() is called again, or control returns to the R prompt). You must use your own tryCatch if you want to handle errors.