lattice (version 0.17-10)

prepanel.functions: Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice


These are predefined prepanel functions available in Lattice.


prepanel.lmline(x, y, ...)
prepanel.loess(x, y, span, degree, family, evaluation, ...)
prepanel.qqmathline(x, y = x, distribution = qnorm,
                    p = c(0.25, 0.75), qtype = 7,
                    groups, subscripts,



usually a list with components xlim, ylim, dx and dy, the first two being used to calculate panel axes limits, the last two for banking computations. The form of these components are described under xyplot. There are also several prepanel functions that serve as the default for high level functions, see prepanel.default.xyplot

See Also

trellis.par.get, xyplot, banking, Lattice. See loess.smooth for further options to prepanel.loess