lavaan (version 0.6-1.1124)

fsr: Factor Score Regression


Fit a SEM model using factor score regression.


fsr(model = NULL, data = NULL, cmd = "sem", 
    fsr.method = "Croon", fs.method = "Bartlett", 
    fs.scores = FALSE, Gamma.NT = TRUE, lvinfo = FALSE, ...)


A description of the user-specified model. Typically, the model is described using the lavaan model syntax. See model.syntax for more information. Alternatively, a parameter table (eg. the output of the lavaanify() function) is also accepted.
An optional data frame containing the observed variables used in the model. If some variables are declared as ordered factors, lavaan will treat them as ordinal variables.
Charcater. Which command is used to run the sem models. The possible choices are "sem" or "lavaan", determining how we deal with default options.
Character. Factor score regression method. Possible options are naive, Skrondal-Laake, and Croon.
Character. Factor score estimation method. Possible options are Bartlett and regression.
Logical. If TRUE, explicitly compute factor scores; if FALSE, only compute the mean vector and variance matrix of the factor scores.
Logical. Only needed when se="robust.sem" and data is missing; if TRUE, compute Gamma (N times the variance matrix of the sample statistics) assuming normality.
Logical. If TRUE, return latent variable information as an attribute to the output.
Further arguments that we pass to the "cfa", "sem" or "lavaan" functions.


An object of class , for which several methods are available, including a summary method.


The fsr function implements a two-step procedure to estimate the parameters of the structural (regression) part of a SEM model. In a first step, factor scores are computed for each latent variable. In a second step, the latent variables are replaced by the factor scores, and a path analysis is used to estimate all remaining model parameters. Special techniques are used in order to ensure (approximately) unbiased estimation of point estimates and standard errors.


Devlieger, I., Mayer, A., & Rosseel, Y. (2015). Hypothesis Testing Using Factor Score Regression: A Comparison of Four Methods. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

See Also

lavaan, sem, lavPredict


Run this code
## The industrialization and Political Democracy Example 
## Bollen (1989), page 332, simplified
model <- ' 
  # latent variable definitions
     ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
     dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4

  # regressions
    dem60 ~ ind60

fit <- fsr(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy, fsr.method = "Skrondal-Laake")

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace