leaflet (version 1.0.0)

leaflet: Create a Leaflet map widget


This function creates a Leaflet map widget using htmlwidgets. The widget can be rendered on HTML pages generated from R Markdown, Shiny, or other applications.


leaflet(data = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, padding = 0)


a data object (currently supported objects are matrices, data frames, and spatial objects from the sp package of classes SpatialPoints, SpatialPointsDataFrame, Polygon, Polygons, Spatial
the width of the map
the height of the map
the padding of the map


  • A HTML widget object, on which we can add graphics layers using %>% (see examples).


The data argument is only needed if you are going to reference variables in this object later in map layers. For example, data can be a data frame containing columns latitude and longtitude, then we may add a circle layer to the map by leaflet(data) %>% addCircles(lat = ~latitude, lng = ~longtitude), where the variables in the formulae will be evaluated in the data.


Run this code
m = leaflet() %>% addTiles()
m  # a map with the default OSM tile layer

# set bounds
m %>% fitBounds(0, 40, 10, 50)

# move the center to Snedecor Hall
m = m %>% setView(-93.65, 42.0285, zoom = 17)

# popup
m %>% addPopups(-93.65, 42.0285, 'Here is the <b>Department of Statistics</b>, ISU')
rand_lng = function(n = 10) rnorm(n, -93.65, .01)
rand_lat = function(n = 10) rnorm(n, 42.0285, .01)

# use automatic bounds derived from lng/lat data
m = m %>% clearBounds()

# popup
m %>% addPopups(rand_lng(), rand_lat(), 'Random popups')

# marker
m %>% addMarkers(rand_lng(), rand_lat())
m %>% addMarkers(
  rand_lng(), rand_lat(), popup = paste('A random letter', sample(LETTERS, 10))

Rlogo = file.path(R.home('doc'), 'html', 'logo.jpg')
m %>% addMarkers(
  174.7690922, -36.8523071, icon = list(
    iconUrl = Rlogo, iconSize = c(100, 76)
  ), popup = 'R was born here!'

m %>% addMarkers(rnorm(30, 175), rnorm(30, -37), icon = list(
  iconUrl = Rlogo, iconSize = c(25, 19)

m %>% addMarkers(
  c(-71.0382679, -122.1217866), c(42.3489054, 47.6763144), icon = list(
    iconUrl = 'http://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/blue-125.png'
  ), popup = c('RStudio @ Boston', 'RStudio @ Seattle')

# circle (units in metres)
m %>% addCircles(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50), radius = runif(50, 50, 150))

# circle marker (units in pixels)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50), color = '#ff0000')
m %>% addCircleMarkers(rand_lng(100), rand_lat(100), radius = runif(100, 5, 15))

# rectangle
m %>% addRectangles(
  rand_lng(), rand_lat(), rand_lng(), rand_lat(),
  color = 'red', fill = FALSE, dashArray = '5,5', weight = 3

# polyline
m %>% addPolylines(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50))

# polygon
m %>% addPolygons(rand_lng(), rand_lat(), layerId = 'foo')

# geoJSON
seattle_geojson = list(
  type = "Feature",
  geometry = list(
    type = "MultiPolygon",
    coordinates = list(list(list(
      c(-122.36075812146,  47.6759920119894),
      c(-122.360781646764, 47.6668890126755),
      c(-122.360782108665,  47.6614990696722),
      c(-122.366199035722, 47.6614990696722),
      c(-122.366199035722,  47.6592874248973),
      c(-122.364582509469, 47.6576254522105),
      c(-122.363887331445,  47.6569107302038),
      c(-122.360865528129, 47.6538418253251),
      c(-122.360866157644,  47.6535254473167),
      c(-122.360866581103, 47.6533126275176),
      c(-122.362526540691,  47.6541872926348),
      c(-122.364442114483, 47.6551892850798),
      c(-122.366077719797,  47.6560733960606),
      c(-122.368818463838, 47.6579742346694),
      c(-122.370115159943,  47.6588730808334),
      c(-122.372295967029, 47.6604350102328),
      c(-122.37381369088,  47.660582362063),
      c(-122.375522972109, 47.6606413027949),
      c(-122.376079703095,  47.6608793094619),
      c(-122.376206315662, 47.6609242364243),
      c(-122.377610811371,  47.6606160735197),
      c(-122.379857378879, 47.6610306942278),
      c(-122.382454873022,  47.6627496239169),
      c(-122.385357955057, 47.6638573778241),
      c(-122.386007328104,  47.6640865692306),
      c(-122.387186331506, 47.6654326177161),
      c(-122.387802656231,  47.6661492860294),
      c(-122.388108244121, 47.6664548739202),
      c(-122.389177800763,  47.6663784774359),
      c(-122.390582858689, 47.6665072251861),
      c(-122.390793942299,  47.6659699214511),
      c(-122.391507906234, 47.6659200946229),
      c(-122.392883050767,  47.6664166747017),
      c(-122.392847210144, 47.6678696739431),
      c(-122.392904778401,  47.6709016021624),
      c(-122.39296705153, 47.6732047491624),
      c(-122.393000803496,  47.6759322346303),
      c(-122.37666945305, 47.6759896300663),
      c(-122.376486363943,  47.6759891899754),
      c(-122.366078869215, 47.6759641734893),
      c(-122.36075812146,  47.6759920119894)
  properties = list(
    name = "Ballard",
    population = 48000,
    # You can inline styles if you want
    style = list(
      fillColor = "yellow",
      weight = 2,
      color = "#000000"
  id = "ballard"
m %>% setView(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894, zoom = 13) %>% addGeoJSON(seattle_geojson)

# use the Dark Matter layer from CartoDB
leaflet() %>% addTiles('http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  attribution = paste(
    '© <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
    '© <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>'
) %>% setView(-122.36, 47.67, zoom = 10)

# provide a data frame to leaflet()
categories = LETTERS[1:10]
df = data.frame(
  lat = rand_lat(100), lng = rand_lng(100), size = runif(100, 5, 20),
  category = factor(sample(categories, 100, replace = TRUE), levels = categories),
  value = rnorm(100)
m = leaflet(df) %>% addTiles()
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = runif(100, 4, 10), color = c('red'))

# Discrete colors using the "RdYlBu" colorbrewer palette, mapped to categories
RdYlBu = colorFactor("RdYlBu", domain = categories)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size,
  color = ~RdYlBu(category), fillOpacity = 0.5)

# Continuous colors using the "Greens" colorbrewer palette, mapped to value
greens = colorNumeric("Greens", domain = NULL)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size,
  color = ~greens(value), fillOpacity = 0.5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab