lidR (version 2.1.4)

lmfauto: Individual Tree Detection Algorithm


This function is made to be used in tree_detection. It implements a fast and parameter-free algorithm for individual tree detection with wide coverage. It is based on two local maximum filters (LMF). The first pass performs a very rough estimation of the number of trees with a fixed window size. Based on this rough estimate it automatically computes a variable windows size LMF with workable parameters. This algorithm is made to process wide areas rather than small plots. See references for more details.


lmfauto(plot = FALSE, hmin = 2)



logical set it to TRUE if processing a plot instead of a large area. What changes is the estimation of the local number of trees. It should be based on the local neighborhood for the general case but this does not make sense for a plot.


numeric. Minimum height of a tree. Threshold below which a point cannot be a local maxima. Default is 2.


Roussel Jean-Romain, Development of a parameter-free algorithm for automatic tree detection on wide territories (in prep.)


Run this code
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "MixedConifer.laz", package="lidR")
las <- readLAS(LASfile)
ttops <- tree_detection(las, lmfauto())
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab