lme4 (version 0.95-3)

lmerControl: Control values for lme


The values supplied in the function call replace the defaults and a list with all possible arguments is returned. The returned list is used as the control argument in the lme function.


lmerControl(maxIter, msMaxIter, niterEM, msTol,
           msVerbose, PQLmaxIt, EMverbose,
           analyticGradient, analyticHessian)


maximum number of iterations for the lme optimization algorithm. Default is 50.
maximum number of iterations for the nlm optimization step inside the lme optimization. Default is 50.
number of iterations for the EM algorithm used to refine the initial estimates of the random effects variance-covariance coefficients. Default is 25.
tolerance for the convergence criterion in nlm, passed as the rel.tolerance argument to the function (see documentation on nlm). Default is 1e-7.
a logical value passed as the trace argument to nlm (see documentation on that function). Default is getOption("verbose").
maximum number of iterations for the PQL algorithm in GLMM.
a logical value indicating if verbose output should be produced during the EM iterations. Default is getOption("verbose".
a logical value indicating if the analytic gradient of the objective should be used. This option is for testing purposes and would not normally be changed from the default. Default is TRUE.
a logical value indicating if the analytic hessian of the objective should be calculated. This is an experimental feature and at present the default is FALSE. In future we may use the analytic Hessian in the optimization.


  • a list with a component for each of the possible arguments.


lmerControl(maxIter = 50, msMaxIter = 50, niterEM = 20, msTol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), msVerbose = getOption("verbose"), PQLmaxIt = 20, EMverbose = getOption("verbose"), analyticGradient = TRUE, analyticHessian=FALSE))

See Also

lmer, optim


Run this code
# decrease the maximum number iterations in the ms call and
# request that information on the evolution of the ms iterations be printed
str(lmerControl(msMaxIter = 20, msVerbose = TRUE))

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace