lockbox (version

lockbox: Re-organize Search Path to Use Lockbox Library.


The lockbox package provides a separate directory, by default under "~/.R/lockbox" (although this is configurable from the global option "lockbox.directory") that maintains different versions of packages on demand. When a given set of versioned packages is requested, lockbox will unload all other packages and ensure only the given set of packages with their respective versions are present.

Bundler-style Package Management for R.


lockbox(file_or_list, env = getOption("lockbox.env", "!packages"))



character or list. A yaml-based lock file or its parsed out list format. This set of packages will be loaded into the search path and all other packages will be unloaded.


character. The name of the entry in the lockfile that contains package information.


Since lockbox maintains a separate directory for its library, it will not interfere with R's usual packages or libraries when R is restarted.