loggle (version 1.0)

loggle.cv.vote: A function to learn time-varying graphical models using cv.vote


This function is to efficiently learn time-varying graphical models for a given set of tuning parameters. Different from loggle, cv.vote is also applied in estimating time-varying graphs.


loggle.cv.vote(X, pos = 1:ncol(X), 
h = 0.8*ncol(X)^(-1/5), d = 0.2, lambda = 0.25, 
cv.fold = 5, fit.type = "pseudo", refit = TRUE, 
cv.vote.thres = 0.8, epi.abs = 1e-5, epi.rel = 1e-3, 
max.step = 500, detrend = TRUE, fit.corr = TRUE, 
num.thread = 1, print.detail = TRUE)



a p by N data matrix containing observations on a time grid ranging from 0 to 1: p -- number of variables, N -- number of time points. The nominal time for the kth time point is (k-1)/(N-1)


a vector constitutes a subset of {1, 2, ..., N}: indices of time points where graphs are estimated, default = 1:N


a scalar between 0 and 1: bandwidth in kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrix, default = 0.8*N^(-1/5)


a scalar or a vector of the same length as pos with values between 0 and 1: width of neighborhood centered at each time point specified by pos, default = 0.2


a scalar or a vector of the same length as pos: tuning parameter of lasso penalty at each time point specified by pos, default = 0.25


a scalar: number of cross-validation folds, default = 5


a string: "likelihood" -- likelihood estimation, "pseudo" -- pseudo likelihood estimation, or "space" -- sparse partial correlation estimation, default = "pseudo"


logic: if TRUE, conduct model refitting given learned graph structures, default = TRUE


a scalar between 0 and 1: an edge is kept after cv.vote if and only if it exists in no less than cv.vote.thres*cv.fold cv folds, default = 0.8


a scalar: absolute tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion, default = 1e-5


a scalar: relative tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion, default = 1e-3


an integer: maximum iteration steps in ADMM iteration, default = 500


logic: if TRUE, subtract kernel weighted moving average for each variable in data matrix (i.e., detrending), if FALSE, subtract overall average for each variable in data matrix (i.e., centering), default = TRUE


logic: if TRUE, use sample correlation matrix in model fitting, if FALSE, use sample covariance matrix in model fitting, default = TRUE


an integer: number of threads used in parallel computing, default = 1


logic: if TRUE, print details in model fitting procedure, default = TRUE



a list of model fitting results from loggle for each cv fold


a list of estimated precision matrices at time points specified by pos


a vector of numbers of edges at time points specified by pos


a list of edges at time points specified by pos


The idea of cross-validation is implemented in this function, where loggle is applied on each cross-validation fold to get fold-wise estimated time-varying graphs, and cv.vote is then applied across cross-validation folds to get the final version of estimated time-varying graphs.

The model fitting method based on pseudo-likelihood (fit.type = "pseudo" or fit.type = "space") is usually less computationally intensive than that based on likelihood (fit.type = "likelihood"), with similar model fitting performance.

cv.vote.thres controls the tradeoff between false discovery rate and power. A large value of cv.vote.thres would decrease false discovery rate but also hurt power.

If no pre-processing has been done to the data matrix X, detrend = TRUE is recommended to detrend each variable in data matrix by subtracting corresponding kernel weighted moving average.

fit.corr = TRUE is recommended such that all the variables are of the same scale. If fit.corr = FALSE is used, the default value of lambda may need to be changed accordingly.


Yang, J. & Peng, J. (2018), 'Estimating Time-Varying Graphical Models', arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03811

See Also

loggle for learning time-varying graphical models, loggle.cv for learning time-varying graphical models via cross validation, loggle.cv.select for model selection based on cross validation results.


Run this code
data(example)  # load example dataset
# data matrix and true precision matrices
X <- example$X
Omega.true <- example$Omega.true
dim(X)  # dimension of data matrix
p <- nrow(X)  # number of variables

# positions of time points to estimate graphs
pos <- round(seq(0.1, 0.9, length=9)*(ncol(X)-1)+1)
K <- length(pos)
# estimate time-varying graphs
# num.thread can be set as large as number of cores 
# on a multi-core machine (however when p is large, 
# memory overflow should also be taken caution of)
ts <- proc.time()
result <- loggle.cv.vote(X, pos, h = 0.1, d = 0.15, 
lambda = 0.25, cv.fold = 3, fit.type = "pseudo", 
refit = TRUE, cv.vote.thres = 0.8, num.thread = 1)
te <- proc.time()
sprintf("Time used for loggle.cv.vote: %.2fs", (te-ts)[3])

# number of edges at each time point
print(cbind("time" = seq(0.1, 0.9, length=9),
"edge.num" = result$edge.num))

# graph at each time point
par(mfrow = c(3, 3))
for(k in 1:length(pos)) {
  adj.matrix <- result$Omega[[k]] != 0
  net <- graph.adjacency(adj.matrix, mode = 
  "undirected", diag = FALSE)
  plot(net, vertex.size = 10, vertex.color = 
  "lightblue", vertex.label = NA, edge.color = 
  "black", layout = layout.circle)
  title(main = paste("t =", 
  round(pos[k]/(ncol(X)-1), 2)), cex.main = 0.8)

# false discovery rate (FDR) and power based on 
# true precision matrices
edge.num.true <- sapply(1:K, function(i) 
edge.num.overlap <- sapply(1:K, function(i) 
(sum(result$Omega[[i]] & Omega.true[[pos[i]]])-p)/2)
perform.matrix <- cbind(
"FDR" = 1 - edge.num.overlap / result$edge.num,
"power" = edge.num.overlap / edge.num.true)
print(apply(perform.matrix, 2, mean))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace