longmemo (version 1.1-2)

plot.FEXP: Plot Method for FEXP and WhittleEst Model Fits


(S3) methods for the generic functions plot (and lines) applied to fractional EXP (FEXP) and "WhittleEst" (FEXPest, models. plot() plots the data periodogram and the ‘FEXP'’ model estimated spectrum, where lines() and does the latter.


# S3 method for FEXP
plot(x, log = "xy", type = "l",
      col.spec = 4, lwd.spec = 2, xlab = NULL, ylab = expression(hat(f)(nu)),
      main = paste(deparse(x$call)[1]), sub = NULL, …)

## (With identical argument list:) # S3 method for WhittleEst plot(x, log = "xy", type = "l", col.spec = 4, lwd.spec = 2, xlab = NULL, ylab = expression(hat(f)(nu)), main = paste(deparse(x$call)[1]), sub = NULL, …)

# S3 method for FEXP lines (x, type = "l", col = 4, lwd = 2, …) # S3 method for WhittleEst lines(x, type = "l", col = 4, lwd = 2, …)



an R object of class "FEXP", as from FEXPest().


character specifying log scale should be used, see plot.default. Note that the default log-log scale is particularly sensible for long-range dependence.


plot type for the periodogram, see plot.default.

col.spec, lwd.spec, col, lwd

graphical parameters used for drawing the estimated spectrum, see lines.

xlab, ylab, main, sub

labels for annotating the plot, see title, each with a sensible default.

further arguments passed to plot.default.

See Also

FEXPest, WhittleEst; plot.default and spectrum.


Run this code
fE <- FEXPest(videoVBR, order = 3, pvalmax = .5)
fE3 <- FEXPest(videoVBR, order = 3, pvalmax = 1)#-> order 3
lines(fE3, col = "red3", lty=2)

f.GN    <- WhittleEst(videoVBR)
f.am21  <- WhittleEst(videoVBR, model = "fARIMA",
                      start= list(H= .5, AR = c(.5,0), MA= .5))
lines(f.GN,   col = "blue4")
lines(f.am21, col = "goldenrod")

##--- Using a tapered periodogram ---------
spvVBR <- spec.pgram(videoVBR, fast=FALSE, plot=FALSE)
fam21 <- WhittleEst(periodogr.x = head(spvVBR$spec, -1),
                    n = length(videoVBR), model = "fARIMA",
                    start= list(H= .5, AR = c(.5,0), MA= .5))
f.am21 # similar but slightly different


## Now, comparing to traditional ("log-X", not "log-log") spectral plot:
plot(fam21, log="y")

## compared to the standard R spectral plot : s
if(dev.interactive(TRUE)) getOption("device")()# a new graphics window
plot(spvVBR, log = "yes", col="gray50")
all.equal(.ffreq(fE$n) / (2*pi) -> ffr.,
          head(spvVBR$freq, -1))# TRUE
lines(ffr., fam21$spec, col=4, lwd=2)
## need to adjust for different 'theta1':
lines(ffr., f.am21$spec * fam21$theta1 / f.am21$theta1,
      col = adjustcolor("tomato", 0.6), lwd=2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab