lsr (version 0.5)

who: Contents of workspace


Prints out a simple summary of all the objects in the workspace


who( expand = FALSE )



Should R "expand" data frames when listing variables? If expand = TRUE, variables inside a data frame are included in the output. The default is FALSE


who returns an object of class whoList which is just a data frame with a dedicated print method.


This package is under development, and has been released only due to teaching constraints. Until this notice disappears from the help files, you should assume that everything in the package is subject to change. Backwards compatibility is NOT guaranteed. Functions may be deleted in future versions and new syntax may be inconsistent with earlier versions. For the moment at least, this package should be treated with extreme caution.


The who function prints out some basic information about all variables in the workspace. Specifically, it lists the names of all variables, what class they are, and how big they are (see below for specifics). If the expand argument is TRUE it will also print out the same information about variables within data frames. See the examples below to see what the output looks like.

The purpose for the function is to show more information than the objects function (especially as regards the names of variables inside data frames), but not to show as much detail as the ls.str function, which is generally too verbose for novice users.

The "size" of an object is only reported for some kinds of object: specifically, only those objects whose mode is either numeric, character, logical, complex or list. Nothing is printed for any other kind of object. If the object has explicit dimensions (e.g., data frames or matrices) then who prints out the dimension sizes (e.g., "2 x 3" ). Otherwise the length of the object is printed.

See Also

objects, ls.str


Run this code
### Example 1 ###

my.number <- 4 <- "Dan"

# display the workspace:
#  -- Name --      -- Class --   -- Size --
#         character     1         
#  my.number       numeric       1

### Example 2 ###

# create a data frame
dataset <- data.frame( hi = c( "hello","cruel","world" ), 
                       pi = c( 3,1,4 ) )

# now display the workspace:
#  -- Name --      -- Class --   -- Size --
#  dataset         data.frame    3 x 2     
#         character     1         
#  my.number       numeric       1

# expand the data frame:
who( expand = TRUE )
#  -- Name --      -- Class --   -- Size --
#  dataset         data.frame    3 x 2     
#   $hi            factor        3         
#   $pi            numeric       3
#         character     1         
#  my.number       numeric       1

### Example 3 ###

# add a function to the workspace
quadruple <- function(x) { x*4 }

# add a formula to the workspace
my.formula <- blah ~ blah + blah 

# now display the workspace:
#  -- Name --      -- Class --   -- Size --
#  dataset         data.frame    3 x 2               
#  my.formula      formula                 
#         character     1         
#  my.number       numeric       1         
#  quadruple       function                

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace