lubridate (version 0.2.6)

lubridate: Dates and times made easy with lubridate


Lubridate provides tools that make it easier to parse and manipulate dates. These tools are grouped below by common purpose. More information about each function can be found in #' its help documentation.



Parsing dates

Lubridate's parsing functions read strings into R as POSIXct date-time objects. Users should choose the function whose name models the order in which the year ('y'), month ('m') and day ('d') elements appear the string to be parsed: dmy, myd, ymd, ydm, dym, mdy, ymd_hms).

Lubridate can also parse partial dates from strings into period objects with the functions hm, hms and ms.

Manipulating dates

Lubridate distinguishes between moments in time (known as instants) and spans of time (known as timespans). Time spans are further separated into durations, periods and intervals.


Instants are specific moments of time. Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt are the three object classes Base R recognizes as instants. is.Date tests whether an object inherits from the Date class. is.POSIXt tests whether an object inherits from the POSIXlt or POSIXct classes. is.instant tests whether an object inherits from any of the three classes.

now returns the current system time as a POSIXct object. today returns the current system date. For convenience, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 is saved to origin. This is the instant from which POSIXct times are calculated from.

Instants are a combination of measurements on different units (i.e, years, months, days, etc.). The individual values for these units can be extracted from an instant and set with the accessor functions second, minute, hour, day, yday, mday, wday, week, month, year, tz, and dst. Note: the accessor functions are named after the singular form of an element. They shouldn't be confused with the period helper functions that have the plural form of the units as a name (e.g, seconds).

Rounding dates

Instants can be rounded to a convenient unit using the functions ceiling_date, floor_date andround_date.

Time zones

Lubridate provides two helper functions for working with time zones. with_tz changes the time zone in which an instant is displayed. The clock time displayed for the instant changes, but the moment of time described remains the same. force_tz changes only the time zone element of an instant. The clock time displayed remains the same, but the resulting instant describes a new moment of time.


A timespan is a length of time that may or not be connected to a particular instant. For example, three months or an hour and a half. Base R uses difftime class objects to record timespans. Lubridate creates three more timespan classes, intervals, periods and durations, to better navigate the nuances of time. is.difftime tests whether an object inherits from the difftime class. is.timespan tests whether an object inherits from any of the four timespan classes. Lubridate alters the subtraction method for dates to create interval objects, which can be used like difftimes but preserve more information than difftimes. To create a difftime with lubridate use make_difftime instead of subtraction.


durations measure the exact time of span that occurs between two instants. This can create unexpected results if a leap second, leap year, or change in daylight savings time (DST) occurs in the interval. Duration objects also inherit from the difftime class.

Functions for working with durations include is.duration, as.duration and new_duration. dseconds, dminutes, dhours, ddays, dweeks, dyears and new_duration quickly create durations of convenient lengths.


periods measure the change in clock time that occurs between two instants. Periods provide robust predictions #' of clock time in the presence of leap seconds, leap years, and #' changes in DST.

Functions for working with periods include is.period, as.period and new_period. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years quickly create periods of convenient lengths.


Intervals are timespans that begin at a specific instant. Intervals provide the only reliable way to convert between periods and durations. Intervals inherit from both difftime and duration object classes. They can be used as a difftime but contain an extra attribute which records the start time of the interval. When lubridate is loaded, subtracting two dates creates an interval by default.

Functions for working with intervals include is.interval, as.interval and new_interval.


decimal_date converts an instant to a decimal of its year. leap_year tests whether an instant occurs during a leap year. pretty.dates provides a method of making pretty breaks for date-times lakers is a data set that contains information about the Los Angeles Lakers 2008-2009 basketball season.


Garrett Grolemund, Hadley Wickham (2011). Dates and Times Made Easy with lubridate. Journal of Statistical Software, 40(3), 1-25.