manifestoR (version 1.2.4)

franzmann_kaiser: Left-Right Scores based on Franzmann & Kaiser Method


Computes left-right scores based on the Franzmann & Kaiser Method (see reference below). The issue structures are not calculated from scratch but taken as given from Franzmann 2009. Note that they are not available for the entire Manifesto Project Dataset, but only for a subset of countries and elections.


franzmann_kaiser(data, basevalues = TRUE, smoothing = TRUE,
  vars = grep("per\\d{3}$", names(data), value = TRUE),
  issue_structure = read_fk_issue_structure(mean_presplit = mean_presplit),
  party_system_split = split_belgium, mean_presplit = TRUE, ...)

read_fk_issue_structure(path = system.file("extdata", "fk_issue_structure.sav", package = "manifestoR"), mean_presplit = TRUE)

fk_smoothing(data, score_name, use_period_length = TRUE, ...)



A data.frame with cases to be scaled, variables named "per..."


flag for transforming data to be relative to the minimum


flag for using smoothing


Variables/Categories to use for computation of score. Defaults to all available handbook version 4 categories.


issue structure to use for Franzmann & Kaiser method, default to original replication values


function to recode the country variable to re-partition party systems. Defaults to splitting Belgium into two halfs as done in Franzmann 2009


if TRUE, for Belgium as a whole (before the split into two party systems) the mean of the issue weights is used (which is equal to taking the mean of the output values, since all subsequent transformations are linear). This step is required to replicate the Franzmann 2009 dataset.


passed on to fk_smoothing and party_system_split


path from were to read issue structures (as SPSS data file). Defaults to the file bundled in the manifestoR package from the replication material of Franzmann 2009.


name of variable with LR Score values to be smoothed


whether to use electoral period length in weighting


Franzmann, Simon/Kaiser, Andre (2006): Locating Political Parties in Policy Space. A Reanalysis of Party Manifesto Data, Party Politics, 12:2, 163-188

Franzmann, Simon (2009): The Change of Ideology: How the Left-Right Cleavage transforms into Issue Competition. An Analysis of Party Systems using Party Manifesto Data. PhD Thesis. Cologne.