mapview (version 2.11.2)

mapView: View spatial objects interactively


this function produces an interactive view of the specified spatial object(s) on top of the specified base maps.


# S4 method for RasterLayer
  map = NULL,
  maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"),
  col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"),
  at = NULL,
  na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"),
  use.layer.names = mapviewGetOption("use.layer.names"),
  map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"),
  alpha.regions = 0.8,
  legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"),
  legend.opacity = 1,
  trim = mapviewGetOption("trim"),
  verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL,
  homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = mapviewGetOption(""),
  method = mapviewGetOption("method"),
  label = TRUE,
  query.type = mapviewGetOption("query.type"),
  query.digits = mapviewGetOption("query.digits"),
  query.position = mapviewGetOption("query.position"),
  query.prefix = mapviewGetOption("query.prefix"),
  viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"),
  hide = FALSE,

# S4 method for stars mapView( x, band = 1, map = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = mapviewGetOption("use.layer.names"), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), alpha.regions = 0.8, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = mapviewGetOption("trim"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = mapviewGetOption(""), method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = mapviewGetOption("query.type"), query.digits = mapviewGetOption("query.digits"), query.position = mapviewGetOption("query.position"), query.prefix = mapviewGetOption("query.prefix"), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), pane = "auto", hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for stars_proxy mapView( x, band = 1, map = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = mapviewGetOption("use.layer.names"), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), alpha.regions = 0.8, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = mapviewGetOption("trim"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = mapviewGetOption(""), method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = mapviewGetOption("query.type"), query.digits = mapviewGetOption("query.digits"), query.position = mapviewGetOption("query.position"), query.prefix = mapviewGetOption("query.prefix"), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), pane = "auto", hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for SpatRaster mapView( x, band = 1, map = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = mapviewGetOption("use.layer.names"), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), alpha.regions = 0.8, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = mapviewGetOption("trim"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = mapviewGetOption(""), method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = mapviewGetOption("query.type"), query.digits = mapviewGetOption("query.digits"), query.position = mapviewGetOption("query.position"), query.prefix = mapviewGetOption("query.prefix"), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), pane = "auto", hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for RasterStackBrick mapView( x, map = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = TRUE, map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = TRUE, verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = c("mousemove", "click"), query.digits = mapviewGetOption("query.digits"), query.position = mapviewGetOption("query.position"), query.prefix = "Layer", viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for Satellite mapView( x, map = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = TRUE, verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), method = c("bilinear", "ngb"), label = TRUE, hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for sf mapView( x, map = NULL, pane = "auto", canvas = useCanvas(x), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), zcol = NULL, burst = FALSE, color = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = lineWidth(x), alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = regionOpacity(x), na.alpha = regionOpacity(x), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), popup = TRUE, = NULL, label = zcol, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, highlight = mapviewHighlightOptions(x, alpha.regions, alpha, lwd), maxpoints = getMaxFeatures(x), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for SpatVector mapView( x, map = NULL, pane = "auto", canvas = useCanvas(x), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), zcol = NULL, burst = FALSE, color = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = lineWidth(x), alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = regionOpacity(x), na.alpha = regionOpacity(x), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), popup = TRUE, = NULL, label = zcol, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, highlight = mapviewHighlightOptions(x, alpha.regions, alpha, lwd), maxpoints = getMaxFeatures(x), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for sfc mapView( x, map = NULL, pane = "auto", canvas = useCanvas(x), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), color = standardColor(x), col.regions = standardColRegions(x), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = lineWidth(x), alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = regionOpacity(x), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), popup = NULL, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame())), label = makeLabels(x), legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, highlight = mapviewHighlightOptions(x, alpha.regions, alpha, lwd), maxpoints = getMaxFeatures(x), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for character mapView( x, map = NULL, tms = TRUE, color = standardColor(), col.regions = standardColRegions(), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = 2, alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = 0.6, na.alpha = 0.6, map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = FALSE, = x, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, canvas = FALSE, viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), ... )

# S4 method for numeric mapView(x, y, type = "p", grid = TRUE, label, ...)

# S4 method for data.frame mapView( x, xcol, ycol, grid = TRUE, aspect = 1, popup = leafpop::popupTable(x, className = "mapview-popup"), label, crs = NA, ... )

# S4 method for XY mapView( x, map = NULL, pane = "auto", canvas = useCanvas(x), viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), color = standardColor(x), col.regions = standardColRegions(x), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = lineWidth(x), alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = regionOpacity(x), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), popup = NULL, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame(1))), label = makeLabels(x), legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, highlight = mapviewHighlightOptions(x, alpha.regions, alpha, lwd), maxpoints = getMaxFeatures(x), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for XYZ mapView(x, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame(1))), ...)

# S4 method for XYM mapView(x, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame(1))), ...)

# S4 method for XYZM mapView(x, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame(1))), ...)

# S4 method for bbox mapView( x, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame(1))), alpha.regions = 0.2, ... )

# S4 method for missing mapView(map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), ...)

# S4 method for `NULL` mapView(x, ...)

# S4 method for list mapView( x, map = NULL, zcol = NULL, burst = FALSE, color = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), cex = 6, lwd = lapply(x, lineWidth), alpha = 0.9, alpha.regions = lapply(x, regionOpacity), na.alpha = lapply(x, regionOpacity), map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), popup = TRUE, = deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame())), label = lapply(x, makeLabels), legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for ANY mapview(...)

# S4 method for SpatialPixelsDataFrame mapView( x, map = NULL, zcol = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = FALSE, map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), alpha.regions = 0.8, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = TRUE, verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = c("mousemove", "click"), query.digits, query.position = "topright", query.prefix = "Layer", viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for SpatialGridDataFrame mapView( x, map = NULL, zcol = NULL, maxpixels = mapviewGetOption("mapview.maxpixels"), col.regions = mapviewGetOption("raster.palette"), at = NULL, na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"), use.layer.names = FALSE, map.types = mapviewGetOption("basemaps"), alpha.regions = 0.8, legend = mapviewGetOption("legend"), legend.opacity = 1, trim = TRUE, verbose = mapviewGetOption("verbose"), = NULL, homebutton = mapviewGetOption("homebutton"), = FALSE, method = mapviewGetOption("method"), label = TRUE, query.type = c("mousemove", "click"), query.digits, query.position = "topright", query.prefix = "Layer", viewer.suppress = mapviewGetOption("viewer.suppress"), hide = FALSE, ... )

# S4 method for SpatialPointsDataFrame mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for SpatialPoints mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for SpatialPolygonsDataFrame mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for SpatialPolygons mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for SpatialLinesDataFrame mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for SpatialLines mapView(x, zcol = NULL, = NULL, ...)



a Raster* or Spatial* or Satellite or sf or stars object or a list of any combination of those. Furthermore, this can also be a data.frame, a numeric vector or a character string pointing to a tile image folder or file on disk. If missing, a blank map will be drawn. A value of NULL will return NULL.


an optional existing map to be updated/added to.


integer > 0. Maximum number of cells to use for the plot. If maxpixels < ncell(x), sampleRegular is used before plotting.


color (palette) pixels. See levelplot for details.


the breakpoints used for the visualisation. See levelplot for details.


color for missing values


should layer names of the Raster* object be used?


character spcifications for the base maps. see for available options.


opacity of the fills of points, polygons or raster layer(s)


should a legend be plotted


opacity of the legend


should the raster be trimmed in case there are NAs on the edges


should some details be printed during the process

the name of the layer to be shown on the map. By default this is the character version of whatever is passed to x. NOTE: This is being passed to underlying leaflet functions as the group argument. So if you use mapview to set up a map and want to refer to a certain layer later on, this is what you should refer to in group.


logical, whether to add a zoom-to-layer button to the map. Defaults to TRUE

logical whether to reproject to web map coordinate reference system (web mercator - epsg:3857) or render using native CRS of the supplied data (can also be NA). Default is FALSE which will render in web mercator. If set to TRUE now background maps will be drawn (but rendering may be much quicker as no reprojecting is necessary). Currently only works for simple features.


for raster data only (raster/stars). Method used to compute values for the resampled layer that is passed on to leaflet. mapview does projection on-the-fly to ensure correct display and therefore needs to know how to do this projection. The default is 'bilinear' (bilinear interpolation), which is appropriate for continuous variables. The other option, 'ngb' (nearest neighbor), is useful for categorical variables. Ignored if the raster layer is of class factor in which case "ngb" is used.


For vector data (sf/sp) a character vector of labels to be shown on mouseover. See addControl for details. For raster data (Raster*/stars) a logical indicating whether to add image query.


for raster methods only. Whether to show raster value query on 'mousemove' or 'click'. Ignored if label = FALSE.


for raster methods only. The amount of digits to be shown by raster value query. Ignored if label = FALSE.


for raster methods only. The position of the raster value query info box. See position argument of addLegend for possible values. Ignored if label = FALSE.


for raster methods only. a character string to be shown as prefix for the layerId. Ignored if label = FALSE.


deprecated. Use mapviewOptions(viewer.suppress = TRUE/FALSE) instead.


if TRUE the layer will be hidden (i.e. unchecked) in the rendered map.


additional arguments passed on to respective functions. See addRasterImage, addCircles, addPolygons, addPolylines for details. Furthermore, you can pass hidden arguments to some methods. See Details for a list of supported hidden arguments.


for stars layers, the band number to be plotted.


name of the map pane in which to render features. See addMapPane for details. Currently only supported for vector layers. Ignored if canvas = TRUE. The default "auto" will create different panes for points, lines and polygons such that points overlay lines overlay polygons. Set to NULL to get default leaflet behaviour where allfeatures are rendered in the same pane and layer order is determined automatically/sequentially.


whether to use canvas rendering rather than svg. May help performance with larger data. See for more information. Only applicable for vector data. The default setting will decide automatically, based on feature complexity.


attribute name(s) or column number(s) in attribute table of the column(s) to be rendered. See also Details.


whether to show all (TRUE) or only one (FALSE) layer(s). See also Details.


color (palette) for points/polygons/lines


attribute name(s) or column number(s) in attribute table of the column(s) to be used for defining the size of circles


line width


opacity of lines


opacity of missing values


either logical, character vector or a list of HTML strings with the popup contents, usually created from popupTable. See addControl for details. If FALSE or NULL no popups will be created, if TRUE a table with all feature attributes/columns will be created. If a character vector of column names, the table will only show the respective column entries.


either FALSE, NULL or a list of styling options for feature highlighting on mouse hover. See highlightOptions for details.


the maximum number of points making up the geometry. In case of lines and polygons this refers to the number of vertices. See Details for more information.


whether the tiles are served as TMS tiles.


numeric vector.


whether to render the numeric vector x as a point "p" or line "l" plot.


whether to plot a (scatter plot) xy-grid to aid interpretation of the visualisation. Only relevant for the data.frame method.


the column to be mapped to the x-axis. Only relevant for the data.frame method.


the column to be mapped to the y-axis. Only relevant for the data.frame method.


the ratio of x/y axis corrdinates to adjust the plotting space to fit the screen. Only relevant for the data.frame method.


an optional crs specification for the provided data to enable rendering on a basemap. See argument description in st_sf for details.

Methods (by class)

  • mapView(stars): stars

  • mapView(stars_proxy): stars_proxy

  • mapView(SpatRaster): SpatRaster

  • mapView(RasterStackBrick): stack / brick

  • mapView(Satellite): satellite

  • mapView(sf): sf

  • mapView(SpatVector): SpatVector

  • mapView(sfc): st_sfc

  • mapView(character): character

  • mapView(numeric): numeric

  • mapView(data.frame): data.frame

  • mapView(XY): st_sfc

  • mapView(XYZ): st_sfc

  • mapView(XYM): st_sfc

  • mapView(XYZM): st_sfc

  • mapView(bbox): st_bbox

  • mapView(missing): initiate a map without an object

  • mapView(`NULL`): initiate a map without an object

  • mapView(list): list

  • mapview(ANY): alias for ease of typing

  • mapView(SpatialPixelsDataFrame): SpatialPixelsDataFrame

  • mapView(SpatialGridDataFrame): SpatialGridDataFrame

  • mapView(SpatialPointsDataFrame): SpatialPointsDataFrame

  • mapView(SpatialPoints): SpatialPoints

  • mapView(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame): SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

  • mapView(SpatialPolygons): SpatialPolygons

  • mapView(SpatialLinesDataFrame): SpatialLinesDataFrame

  • mapView(SpatialLines): SpatialLines


Tim Appelhans


If zcol is not NULL but a length one character vector (referring to a column name of the attribute table) and burst is TRUE, one layer for each unique value of zcol will be drawn. The same will happen if burst is a length one character vector (again referring to a column of the attribute table).

NOTE: if XYZ or XYM or XYZM data from package sf is passed to mapview, dimensions Z and M will be stripped to ensure smooth rendering even though the popup will potentially still say something like "POLYGON Z".

maxpoints is taken to determine when to switch rendering from svg to canvas overlay for perfomance. The threshold calculation is done as follows:
if the number of points (in case of point data) or vertices (in case of polygon or line data) > maxpoints then render using special render function. Within this render function we approximate the complexity of features by

maxFeatures <- maxfeatures / (npts(data) / length(data))

where npts determines the number of points/vertices and length the number of features (points, lines or polygons). When the number of features in the current view window is larger than maxFeatures then features are rendered on the canvas, otherwise they are rendered as svg objects and fully queriable.

Hidden arguments that can be set via ...:

* hide: hide all but the first layer when rendering a RasterStackBrick.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

  ## simple features ====================================================

  # sf

  # sfc
  mapview(st_geometry(breweries)) # no popup

  # sfg / XY - taken from ?sf::st_point
  outer = matrix(c(0,0,10,0,10,10,0,10,0,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  hole1 = matrix(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  hole2 = matrix(c(5,5,5,6,6,6,6,5,5,5),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  pts = list(outer, hole1, hole2)
  (pl1 = st_polygon(pts))

  ## raster ==============================================================
  if (interactive()) {


  ## spatial objects =====================================================

  ## styling options & legends ===========================================
  mapview(franconia, color = "white", col.regions = "red")
  mapview(franconia, color = "magenta", col.regions = "white")

  mapview(breweries, zcol = "founded")
  mapview(breweries, zcol = "founded", at = seq(1400, 2200, 200), legend = TRUE)
  mapview(franconia, zcol = "district", legend = TRUE)

  clrs <- sf.colors
  mapview(franconia, zcol = "district", col.regions = clrs, legend = TRUE)

  ### multiple layers ====================================================
  mapview(franconia) + breweries
  mapview(list(breweries, franconia))
  mapview(franconia) + mapview(breweries) + trails

  mapview(franconia, zcol = "district") + mapview(breweries, zcol = "village")
  mapview(list(franconia, breweries),
          zcol = list("district", NULL),
          legend = list(TRUE, FALSE))

  ### burst ==============================================================
  mapview(franconia, burst = TRUE)
  mapview(franconia, burst = TRUE, hide = TRUE)
  mapview(franconia, zcol = "district", burst = TRUE)

  ### ceci constitue la fin du pipe ======================================

  franconia %>%
    sf::st_union() %>%

  franconia %>%
    group_by(district) %>%
    summarize() %>%
    mapview(zcol = "district")

  franconia %>%
    group_by(district) %>%
    summarize() %>%
    mutate(area = st_area(.) / 1e6) %>%
    mapview(zcol = "area")

  franconia %>%
    mutate(area = sf::st_area(.)) %>%
    mapview(zcol = "area", legend = TRUE)

  breweries %>%
    st_intersection(franconia) %>%
    mapview(zcol = "district")

  franconia %>%
    mutate(count = lengths(st_contains(., breweries))) %>%
    mapview(zcol = "count")

  franconia %>%
    mutate(count = lengths(st_contains(., breweries)),
           density = count / st_area(.)) %>%
    mapview(zcol = "density")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab