metR (version 0.15.0)

Derivate: Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences


Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences


  order = 1,
  cyclical = FALSE,
  fill = FALSE,
  data = NULL,
  sphere = FALSE,
  a = 6371000,
  equispaced = TRUE

Laplacian( formula, cyclical = FALSE, fill = FALSE, data = NULL, sphere = FALSE, a = 6371000, equispaced = TRUE )

Divergence( formula, cyclical = FALSE, fill = FALSE, data = NULL, sphere = FALSE, a = 6371000, equispaced = TRUE )

Vorticity( formula, cyclical = FALSE, fill = FALSE, data = NULL, sphere = FALSE, a = 6371000, equispaced = TRUE )


If there is one independent variable and one dependent variable, a numeric vector of the same length as the dependent variable. If there are two or more independent variables or two or more dependent variables, a list containing the directional derivatives of each dependent variables.



a formula indicating dependent and independent variables


order of the derivative


logical vector of boundary condition for each independent variable


logical indicating whether to fill values at the boundaries with forward and backwards differencing


optional data.frame containing the variables


logical indicating whether to use spherical coordinates (see details)


radius to use in spherical coordinates (defaults to Earth's radius)


logical indicating whether points are equispaced or not.


Each element of the return vector is an estimation of \(\frac{\partial^n x}{\partial y^{n}}\) by centred finite differences.

If sphere = TRUE, then the first two independent variables are assumed to be longitude and latitude (in that order) in degrees. Then, a correction is applied to the derivative so that they are in the same units as a.

Using fill = TRUE will degrade the solution near the edges of a non-cyclical boundary. Use with caution.

Laplacian(), Divergence() and Vorticity() are convenient wrappers that call Derivate() and make the appropriate sums. For Divergence() and Vorticity(), formula must be of the form vx + vy ~ x + y (in that order).

See Also

Other meteorology functions: EOF(), GeostrophicWind(), WaveFlux(), thermodynamics, waves


Run this code
theta <- seq(0, 360, length.out = 20)*pi/180
theta <- theta[-1]
x <- cos(theta)
dx_analytical <- -sin(theta)
dx_finitediff <- Derivate(x ~ theta, cyclical = TRUE)[[1]]

plot(theta, dx_analytical, type = "l")
points(theta, dx_finitediff, col = "red")

# Curvature (Laplacian)
# Note the different boundary conditions for each dimension
variable <- expand.grid(lon = seq(0, 360, by = 3)[-1],
                        lat = seq(-90, 90, by = 3))
variable$z <- with(variable, cos(lat*pi/180*3) + sin(lon*pi/180*2))
variable <- cbind(
     variable, ~ lon + lat, data = variable,
                          cyclical = c(TRUE, FALSE), order = 2)))
ggplot(variable, aes(lon, lat)) +
    geom_contour(aes(z = z)) +
    geom_contour(aes(z = z.ddlon + z.ddlat), color = "red")

# The same as
ggplot(variable, aes(lon, lat)) +
    geom_contour(aes(z = z)) +
    geom_contour(aes(z = Laplacian(z ~ lon + lat, cyclical = c(TRUE, FALSE))),
                 color = "red")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab