metacoder (version 0.3.7)

parse_qiime_biom: Parse a BIOM output from QIIME


Parses a file in BIOM format from QIIME into a taxmap object. This also seems to work with files from MEGAN. I have not tested if it works with other BIOM files.


parse_qiime_biom(file, class_regex = "(.*)", class_key = "taxon_name")


A taxmap object



(character of length 1) The file path to the input file.


A regular expression used to parse data in the taxon names. There must be a capture group (a pair of parentheses) for each item in class_key. See parse_tax_data for examples of how this works.


(`character` of length 1) The identity of the capturing groups defined using `class_regex`. The length of `class_key` must be equal to the number of capturing groups specified in `class_regex`. Any names added to the terms will be used as column names in the output. At least one `"taxon_name"` must be specified. Only `"info"` can be used multiple times. Each term must be one of those described below: * `taxon_name`: The name of a taxon. Not necessarily unique, but are interpretable by a particular `database`. Requires an internet connection. * `taxon_rank`: The rank of the taxon. This will be used to add rank info into the output object that can be accessed by `out$taxon_ranks()`. * `info`: Arbitrary taxon info you want included in the output. Can be used more than once.


This function was inspired by the tutorial created by Geoffrey Zahn at

See Also

Other parsers: extract_tax_data(), lookup_tax_data(), parse_dada2(), parse_edge_list(), parse_greengenes(), parse_mothur_tax_summary(), parse_mothur_taxonomy(), parse_newick(), parse_phylo(), parse_phyloseq(), parse_rdp(), parse_silva_fasta(), parse_tax_data(), parse_ubiome(), parse_unite_general()