mipfp (version 3.2.1)

error.margins: Extracts the deviation between every target and generated margin


This method returns the maximum deviation between each generated and desired margins of the input argument. It corresponds to the absolute maximum deviation between each target margin used to generate the estimates in the mipfp object and the generated one.


# S3 method for mipfp
error.margins(object, ...)



An object of class mipfp.

Further arguments passed to or from other methods. See CompareMaxDev.


An array containing the absolute maximum deviations for each margin.

See Also

The estimation function Estimate.

This function relies on CompareMaxDev.


Run this code
# loading the data
data(spnamur, package = "mipfp")
# subsetting the data frame, keeping only the first 3 variables
spnamur.sub <- subset(spnamur, select = Household.type:Prof.status)
# true table
true.table <- table(spnamur.sub)
# extracting the margins
tgt.v1        <- apply(true.table, 1, sum)
tgt.v1.v2     <- apply(true.table, c(1,2), sum)
tgt.v2.v3     <- apply(true.table, c(2,3), sum)
tgt.list.dims <- list(1, c(1,2), c(2,3))
tgt.data      <- list(tgt.v1, tgt.v1.v2, tgt.v2.v3)
# creating the seed, a 10% sample of spnamur
seed.df <- spnamur.sub[sample(nrow(spnamur), round(0.10*nrow(spnamur))), ]
seed.table <- table(seed.df)
# applying a fitting method
r.ipfp <- Estimate(seed=seed.table, target.list=tgt.list.dims, 
                   target.data = tgt.data,  method = "ipfp")
# print the maximum absolute deviation between targets and generated margins
# }

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