mlergm (version 0.8)

classes: Polish school classes data set.


The Polish school classes data set classes is a subset of a larger data set which was generated as part of a Polish study on adolescent youth. The network data, obtained via a nomination processes, results in a binary, directed random graph where a directed edge from i to j indicates that student i nominated student j as a playmate. A further description of the data as well as a demonstration of an analysis with curved ERGMs can be found in Stewart, Schweinberger, Bojanowski, and Morris (2018).





An mlnet object.


A dataset containing network data for 9 school classes as part of a Polish educational study. The nodes of the network are students with nodal covariate sex and known class membership of the students.


Dolata, R. (ed). (2014). Czy szko<U+0142>a ma znaczenie? Zr<U+00F3><U+017C>nicowanie wynik<U+00F3>w nauczania po pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym oraz jego pozaszkolne i szkolne uwarunkowania. Vol. 1. Warsaw: Instytut Bada<U+0144> Edukacyjnych.

Dolata, R. and Rycielski, P. (2014). Wprowadzenie: za<U+0142>o<U+017C>enia i cele badania szkolnych uwarunkowa<U+0144> efektywno<U+015B>ci kszta<U+0142>cenia SUEK.

Stewart, J., Schweinberger, M., Bojanowski, M., and M. Morris (2019). Multilevel network data facilitate statistical inference for curved ERGMs with geometrically weighted terms. Social Networks, to appear.