mlr (version 2.10)

Prediction: Prediction object.


Result from predict.WrappedModel. Use to access all information in a convenient format. The function getPredictionProbabilities is useful to access predicted probabilities. The data member of the object contains always the following columns: id, index numbers of predicted cases from the task, response either a numeric or a factor, the predicted response values, truth, either a numeric or a factor, the true target values. If probabilities were predicted, as many numeric columns as there were classes named prob.classname. If standard errors were predicted, a numeric column named se. The constructor makePrediction is mainly for internal use. Object members:
predict.type [character(1)]
Type set in setPredictType.
data [data.frame]
See details.
threshold [numeric(1)]
Threshold set in predict function.
task.desc [TaskDesc]
Task description object.
time [numeric(1)]
Time learner needed to generate predictions.
error [character(1)]
Any error messages generated by the learner (default NA_character_).
Internal, do not use!


makePrediction(task.desc, row.names, id, truth, predict.type,
  predict.threshold = NULL, y, time, error = NA_character_)
