mlr3misc (version 0.1.6)

invoke: Invoke a Function Call


An alternative interface for, similar to the deprecated function in purrr. This function tries hard to not evaluate the passed arguments too eagerly which is important when working with large R objects.

It is recommended to pass all arguments named in order to to not rely on on positional argument matching.


invoke(.f, ..., .args = list(), .opts = list(), .seed = NA_integer_)



:: function() Function to call.


:: any Additional function arguments passed to .f.


:: list() Additional function arguments passed to .f, as (named) list(). These arguments will be concatenated to the arguments provided via ....


:: list() List of options which are set before the .f is called. Options are reset to their previous state afterwards.


:: integer(1) Random seed to set before invoking the function call. Gets reset to the previous seed on exit.


Run this code
invoke(mean, .args = list(x = 1:10))
invoke(mean, na.rm = TRUE, .args = list(1:10))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab