mlrCPO (version 0.3.4-4)

getCPOTrainedCPO: Get CPO Used to Train a Retrafo / Inverter


Get the CPO used to create a CPOTrained object. The retrieved CPO will usually have all its hyperparameters and affect.* settings set to the values used to create the particular CPOTrained object. The only case where this is not true is if cpo is a CPOTrained that was created using makeCPOTrainedFromState.





[CPOTrained] The Retrafo or Inverter to get the original CPO from.


[CPO]. The original CPO.

See Also

Other getters and setters: CPO, getCPOAffect, getCPOClass, getCPOConstructor, getCPOId, getCPOName, getCPOOperatingType, getCPOPredictType, getCPOProperties, getCPOTrainedCapability, setCPOId

Other retrafo related: CPOTrained, NULLCPO, %>>%, applyCPO, as.list.CPO, clearRI, getCPOClass, getCPOName, getCPOOperatingType, getCPOPredictType, getCPOProperties, getCPOTrainedCapability, getCPOTrainedState, is.retrafo, makeCPOTrainedFromState, pipeCPO, print.CPOConstructor

Other inverter related: CPOTrained, NULLCPO, %>>%, applyCPO, as.list.CPO, clearRI, getCPOClass, getCPOName, getCPOOperatingType, getCPOPredictType, getCPOProperties, getCPOTrainedCapability, getCPOTrainedState, is.inverter, makeCPOTrainedFromState, pipeCPO, print.CPOConstructor

Other CPO lifecycle related: CPOConstructor, CPOLearner, CPOTrained, CPO, NULLCPO, %>>%, attachCPO, composeCPO, getCPOClass, getCPOConstructor, identicalCPO, makeCPO