modelsummary (version 0.1.0)

extract_estimates: Extract estimates and statistics from a single model


Extract estimates and statistics from a single model


extract_estimates(model, statistic = "std.error",
  statistic_override = NULL, conf_level = 0.95, fmt = "%.3f",
  stars = FALSE)



object type with an available `tidy` method.


string name of the statistic to include in parentheses below estimates. Must be either "", or one of the column names produced by the `broom::tidy` function. Typical values include: "std.error", "", "statistic", "p.value".


manually override the uncertainy estimates. This argument accepts three types of input:

  • a function or list of functions of length(models) which produce variance-covariance matrices with row and column names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates. For example, `R` supplies the `vcov` function, and the `sandwich` package supplies `vcovHC`, `vcovHAC`, etc.

  • a list of length(models) variance-covariance matrices with row and column names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates.

  • a list of length(models) numeric vectors with names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates.


confidence level to use for confidence intervals


string which specifies how numeric values will be rounded. This string is passed to the `sprintf` function. '%.3f' will keep 3 digits after the decimal point with trailing zero. '%.5f' will keep 5 digits. '%.3e' will use exponential notation. See `?sprintf` for more options.


FALSE for no significance stars. TRUE for default significance stars (*=.1, **=.05, ***=.01). Named numeric vector for custom significance stars. For example, `c('*' = .1, '+' = .05)`


data.frame with side-by-side model summaries