modelsummary (version 0.3.0)

sanity_checks: internal function to check the sanity of user input


internal function to check the sanity of user input


  statistic = "std.error",
  statistic_override = NULL,
  statistic_vertical = TRUE,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  coef_map = NULL,
  coef_omit = NULL,
  gof_map = NULL,
  gof_omit = NULL,
  fmt = "%.3f",
  stars = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  notes = NULL,
  add_rows = NULL,
  output = NULL



a single model object or a (potentially named) list of models to summarize


string name of the statistic to include in parentheses

  • Typical values: "", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value"

  • Alternative values: any column name produced by `broom::tidy(model)`


manually override the uncertainy estimates. This argument accepts three types of input:

  • a function or list of functions of length(models) which produce variance-covariance matrices with row and column names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates. For example, `R` supplies the `vcov` function, and the `sandwich` package supplies `vcovHC`, `vcovHAC`, etc.

  • a list of length(models) variance-covariance matrices with row and column names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates.

  • a list of length(models) vectors with names equal to the names of your coefficient estimates. Numeric vectors are formatted according to `fmt` and placed in brackets, character vectors printed as given.


TRUE if statistics should be printed below estimates. FALSE if statistics should be printed beside estimates.


confidence level to use for confidence intervals


named character vector. Names refer to the original variable names. Values refer to the variable names that will appear in the table. Coefficients which are omitted from this vector will be omitted from the table. The table will be ordered in the same order as this vector.


string regular expression. Omits all matching coefficients from the table (using `stringr::str_detect`).


data.frame with four columns: `raw`, `clean`, `fmt`, and `omit`. See `modelsummary::gof_map`


string regular expression. Omits all matching gof statistics from the table (using `stringr::str_detect`).


string which specifies how numeric values will be rounded. This string is passed to the `sprintf` function. '%.3f' will keep 3 digits after the decimal point with trailing zero. '%.5f' will keep 5 digits. '%.3e' will use exponential notation. See `?sprintf` for more options.


to indicate statistical significance

  • FALSE (default): no significance stars.

  • TRUE: *=.1, **=.05, ***=.01

  • Named numeric vector for custom stars such as `c('*' = .1, '+' = .05)`




list of notes to append to the bottom of the table.


list of character vectors, each of length equal to the number of models + 1.


filename or object type (string)

  • Supported filename extensions: .html, .tex, .md, .txt, .png, .jpg.

  • Supported object types: "gt", "html", "markdown", "latex". "gt" objects are created by the `gt` package; other object types are created by the `kableExtra` package.

  • When a file name is supplied to the `output` argument, the table is written immediately to file. If you want to customize your table by post-processing it with functions provided by the `gt` or `kableExtra` packages, you need to choose a different output format (e.g., "gt", "latex", "html", "markdown"), and you need to save the table after post-processing using the `gt::gtsave`, `kable::save_kable`, or `cat` functions.


error if sanity checks fail