multibridge (version 1.2.0)

binom_bf_inequality: Computes Bayes Factors For Inequality Constrained Independent Binomial Parameters


Computes Bayes factor for inequality constrained binomial parameters using a bridge sampling routine. Restricted hypothesis \(H_r\) states that binomial proportions follow a particular trend. Alternative hypothesis \(H_e\) states that binomial proportions are free to vary.


  samples = NULL,
  restrictions = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  Hr = NULL,
  a = rep(1, ncol(samples)),
  b = rep(1, ncol(samples)),
  factor_levels = NULL,
  prior = FALSE,
  index = 1,
  maxiter = 1000,
  seed = NULL,
  niter = 5000,
  nburnin = niter * 0.05


List consisting of the following elements:

  • q11: log prior or posterior evaluations for prior or posterior samples

  • q12: log proposal evaluations for prior or posterior samples

  • q21: log prior or posterior evaluations for samples from proposal

  • q22: log proposal evaluations for samples from proposal


number of iterations of the iterative updating scheme


estimate of log marginal likelihood


evaluated inequality constrained hypothesis

  • re2: the approximate relative mean-squared error for the marginal likelihood estimate

  • cv: the approximate coefficient of variation for the marginal likelihood estimate (assumes that bridge estimate is unbiased)

  • percentage: the approximate percentage error of the marginal likelihood estimate



matrix of dimension (nsamples x nparams) with samples from truncated Dirichlet density


list of class bmult_rl or of class bmult_rl_ineq as returned from generate_restriction_list that encodes inequality constraints for each independent restriction


a vector of counts of successes, or a two-dimensional table (or matrix) with 2 columns, giving the counts of successes and failures, respectively


numeric. Vector of counts of trials. Must be the same length as x. Ignored if x is a matrix or a table


string or character. Encodes the user specified informed hypothesis. Use either specified factor_levels or indices to refer to parameters. See ``Note'' section for details on how to formulate informed hypotheses


numeric. Vector with alpha parameters. Must be the same length as x. Default sets all alpha parameters to 1


numeric. Vector with beta parameters. Must be the same length as x. Default sets all beta parameters to 1


character. Vector with category names. Must be the same length as x


logical. If TRUE the function will ignore the data and evaluate only the prior distribution


numeric. Index of current restriction. Default is 1


numeric. Maximum number of iterations for the iterative updating scheme used in the bridge sampling routine. Default is 1,000 to avoid infinite loops


numeric. Sets the seed for reproducible pseudo-random number generation


numeric. Vector with number of samples to be drawn from truncated distribution


numeric. A single value specifying the number of burn-in samples when drawing from the truncated distribution. Minimum number of burn-in samples is 10. Default is 5% of the number of samples. Burn-in samples are removed automatically after the sampling.


The model assumes that the data in x (i.e., \(x_1, ..., x_K\)) are the observations of \(K\) independent binomial experiments, based on \(n_1, ..., n_K\) observations. Hence, the underlying likelihood is the product of the \(k = 1, ..., K\) individual binomial functions: $$(x_1, ... x_K) ~ \prod Binomial(N_k, \theta_k)$$ Furthermore, the model assigns a beta distribution as prior to each model parameter (i.e., underlying binomial proportions). That is: $$\theta_k ~ Beta(\alpha_k, \beta_k)$$




See Also


Other functions to evaluate informed hypotheses: binom_bf_equality(), binom_bf_informed(), mult_bf_equality(), mult_bf_inequality(), mult_bf_informed()


Run this code
# priors
a <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
b <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)

# informed hypothesis
factor_levels <- c('theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3', 'theta4')
Hr            <- c('theta1', '<',  'theta2', '<', 'theta3', '<', 'theta4')

results_prior  <- binom_bf_inequality(Hr=Hr, a=a, b=b, 
factor_levels=factor_levels, prior=TRUE, seed = 2020)
# corresponds to
cbind(exp(results_prior$logml), 1/factorial(4))

# alternative - if you have samples and a restriction list
inequalities  <- generate_restriction_list(Hr=Hr, a=a,b=b,
prior_samples <- binom_tsampling(inequalities, niter = 2e3, 
prior=TRUE, seed = 2020)
results_prior <- binom_bf_inequality(prior_samples, inequalities, seed=2020)
cbind(exp(results_prior$logml), 1/factorial(4))

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