fix.order sorts the functions according to the filedates of their backups (in the .Backup.mvb directory). This is very useful for reminding yourself what you were working on recently. It only works if functions have been edited using the fixr system.
fix.order( env=1)
a single number, character string, or environment. Numbers and characters are interpreted as search path positions. The environment must be an attached mvb-style task.
Character vector of functions sorted by date/time of last modification.
To do
Probably should modify this so it takes an arbitrary task path instead of a search position only. Task doesn't really need to be attached.
Add a pattern argument a la find.funs.
Only functions that have a BU*** backup file will appear. Functions that have a BU*** file but have been deleted will not appear.
# NOT RUN {## Need to create backups and do some function editing firstfix.order() # functions in .GlobalEnvfix.order( "ROOT") # functions in your startup task# }